Maryland Anno 1674
Goods for acct of Mr Hen: Brayne Dr
April 17th
To nill att receipt of a pcell from him
att two severall tymes to say
Two quarter Cask of lunuii...........
One cask wth some lyme juice in itt.......
One bagg wth some rotten ginger in itt ...
24. paire of Stockings of Sorts........
4 hhcts & two barrels of Suger,!
two of the hhcts filled into one .......
hhct after landed ..............
To my Comission for Sales & store-!
idge as p Agreemt att 10 p Cent .....
Octobr 27th
To ditto Brayne his acct currt when
all the debts owing to the creditt
of this acct shall be fully reccT the f ' ' '
Sume of H925lb tob. I say........
p Contra Cr
Ib tob.
April 17th
By ye pduce of 55. gall of]
Rum att 40. is .........
By nill for 5 gall 5 pts of rum!
spent amongst ye Customers .
By ye pduce of 2 gall lime juice........
By nil for ye remaindr of ye lime!
juice stunk & thrown away......... J '
By y6 pduce of 381/2Ib of ginger att 4 is ...
By nill for ye remaindr of the Ginger]
rotten & good for nothing
By ye pduce of 24. pe of stockings!
of sorts ................