Ticking, Value of, 248.
Tilden, Charles, of Kent County,
Tilghman, Mary; see Table of
Tillet, Thomas, of St. Mary's
County, 224, 252, 257.
Til ley, Joseph, 90, 08, 100, 102,
104, 107, 115, 120, 140, 170,
188, 211, 221, 323; see also
Table of Cases.
Tobacco, Delivery of, on board
ship, 7; see also Waterside,
Delivery of tobacco at.
Orinoco, 4, 7.
Interference with, by unau-
thorized persons, 43-44.
Loss of, 307.
Payment of, for others, 13, 29,
30, 33, 153.
Receipt for, 348.
Receiver of, 37-38, 195 ;
Salary of, 325, 327.
Rolling path for, 61.
Shipping of, 14.
Taking and carrying away of,
Theft of, 307.
Tobacco hogshead marks, Ab-
sence of, 40-41, 304.
Tobacco trade, English partner-
ship in, 327.
Tobacco and sterling, Relative
value of, xvii, 215, 301, 306,
307, 359, 360, 400.
Todd, Jane, of Calvert County,
75, 101.
Tollard, Wm., of Kent County,
Tomactico River, Eastern Shore,
Tools, carpenter's, Value of, 176,
Toulson, Mr. Thomas, London
merchant, 382; see also
Table of Cases.
Tovey, Samuell, Kent County
merchant, & comm'r, 297;
see also Table of Cases.
Tradesmen, Carpenter.
Woollen draper.
Transcript, As poof of an ac-
count, 63.
Certiorari for, 116.
Failure of county court to
send up, 277.
Production of, in court, 289,
Transportation of property, 82-
Transcript of county levy, 241.
Transporting of goods by land,
Traverse (Travers), William,
Dorchester County, 288, 289.
"Travers His Lott", Dorchester
County, 287.
Treating, to promote sales, 65,
304, 307.
Treble damages; see Damages,
Tred Avon Creek, 151, 152.
Tredhaven Creek, Talbot
County, 143.
Trees, Felling of, 217, 218,
227, 286.
Truman, Tho:, xiv, 118; see
also Table of Cases.
Truman, Major [Thomas], xiv,
"Trumans Choice" (land), xiv-
xv, 118.
Trunnell heads, 155, 156.
Turberfield (Turbervile), Gil-
bert, no, 121, 260, 265, 315,
352, 355, 377; seealso Table
of Cases.
Turbervile, see Tuberfield.
Turford, Theophilus, Calvert
and Somerset Counties mer-
chant, 84, 61; see also Table
of Cases.
Turner, Arthur, of Charles
County, 407, 408.
Edward, of St. Mary's
County, 182, 183.
Joyce ( —————— ), Mrs.
William, 73.
William of Calvert County,
Turpin, Tho:, of St. Mary's
County, 349.
Uncertainty as ground for vitiat-
ing proceeding, 299, 350.
Undersheriff, Duties of, 335.
Underwood, Anthony, 384.
Upper House, Supersedeas &
writ of error from, 63-64;
see also
Province, Council of.
Utie, Susanna; see Table of
Valuable consideration, as basis
for bond, 143.
Valuable consideration already
received, 375, 385.
Van Sweringen, Garret, St.
Mary's County innholder,
gentleman, 172; see also
Table of Cases.
Variance as ground for
abatement, 142, 144, 179,
Vaughan, Thomas, planter, and
sheriff of Talbot County,
160, 235, 276, 310, 397, 401,
412; see also Table of Cases.
Veitch, Jaes, 89, no, 141, 148,
151, 260.
Venire facias, Writ of, 68; see
also Jury, Summonsing of.
Vessel, Forfeiture of, 173, 176,
Violent presumption, 382.
Voyage to England, 8.
Wade, John; see Table of Cases.
Waghob, Mrs. Joane, Bad usage
by, xviii, 222.
Wahob, Archibald, 285.
Walker, Sarah ( —————— ),
Mrs. Thomas, 245, 396; see
also Taylor, Sarah.
Tho :, Somerset County gen-
tleman, 237, 245, 306; see
also Table of Cases; Taylor,
Walton, Elizabeth, dec'd, 62.
Want of advice, Reason for re-
fusal, 382.
Want of effects, as grounds for
rejecting bill, 21, 22, 23, 295.
Ward, Edward, 224, 257, 265,
Murfy, 251.
Ware, Edward, 315.
Warrant of attorney, 23, 51, 78,
121, 166, 216, 384, 385.
Warren, Humphrey, Commis-
sioner of Charles County,
191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199,
coroner of Charles County,
Washfield, Robt.; see Table of
Waterford, Ireland, Passage of
servants from, 108.
Waters, Henry, 308; see also
Waterside, Delivery of tobacco
at, 7, 49, 94, 143, 204, 205,
259, 263, 277, 337, 369.
Watersworth, Humphrey, 303 ;
see also Waters.
Watkinson, John; see Table of
Watson, John, 84.
Richard, Charles County, 402,
405, 407, 408.
Richard, dec'd, 137, 242, 243,
244, 404.
"Watson's Land", Charles
County, 137, 242, 402, 406.
Watts, Peter, 316, 317.
Stephen; see Tables of Cases.
William, 279.
William, 325, 355.
Wattson, Jno.; exr., see Table
of Cases; Carlile, Thomas,
et also Cuningham, Jno.,
Waughopp, Thomas, 330, 358,
361, 378, 382, 409.
Wearing apparel, Purloining of,
by servant, 107.
Webb, Michael, of Charles
County, 157, 236.