To prosecute appeal, xix, 219,
To prosecute writ of error
and supersedeas, 64.
Sedgwick, Tho: 90, 98, 100, 102,
104, 107, 115, 120, 140, 170,
188, 211, 221, 323.
Semme, Marmaduke, oo, 98, 100,
102, 104, 107, 115, 120, 140,
170, 188, 211, 221, 316, 317,
323; see also Table of
Beating to death of, xiv, xvi,
119, 120, 413, 414-
Bill of sale for, xvii, 413.
Bringing in of, I, 108.
Casual loss of, 363.
Conversion of, to uses of an-
other, 90.
Cruel treatment of, by master,
Diet and lodging for, 2, 119.
Hiring of, from master, 333.
Ill-treatment of, 122-123, 413.
Servant, Marriage of, to free-
man owner, 63, 297.
Negro, 121.
Passage of, Cost of, xv, 108.
Petition of, for freedom, xvi,
63, 116, 123, 124.
Re-assignment of, 63.
Retrieving of, 17.
Running away of, xvii, 17,
Taking of, by sheriff, 80.
Trade with, Ban on, 106.
Unlawful absence of, 154-155 ;
see also Archives II, 524-
Value of, 18, 34, 363.
Without indentures, 62, 363.
Woman, Purchase of, 9, 83,
84, 413, 414.
see also Slave; Negro.
Servants that have bastards, 189,
Severalls, for the use of the
county, 251.
Seward, Josias; see also Table
of Cases.
Tho :, of Kent County, 298.
Shankes, John, of St. Mary's
County, 182, 183, 186, 187.
Shaw, Ralph, 285, 286.
sheffeild, ffrancis, of Charles
County, 407.
Sheham, Honor, servant woman,
169, 170, 171.
Shelton, Thomas; see also Table
of Cases.
Sheriff, Amercing of, xii-xiii,
71, 197; see also counties
by name, especially St.
Mary's County;
Remission of, 402.
Conversion of receipts to his
own use by, xiii, 264.
As custodian of persons, 50,
62, 76, 109, 154, 209, 279,
340, 370, 413-414; see also
Bail, Special.
Fees to, 60, 420.
Inability of, to bring prisoner
down, 313.
Misfeasance by, 371.
Payment of prisoner's debt by,
Return of writ by, 192, 197,
278, 313, 400;
see also counties by name.
Sherley, Joseph, 166.
Sherwood, Hugh; see Table of
Shillington, Tho:, 168; see also
Table of Cases; Shillington.
Shippey, Richard, of St. Mary's
County, 349; see also Table
of Cases.
Ship, Ann and Elisabeth, Liver-
Cecilius (ship), London.
Comfort (ship), of Bristol.
Lilly (dogger), London.
Liverpool Marchant
Loveing friendship
Maryland Merchant
Merchants Delight.
Prosperous (ketch), London.
St. George, of London.
Sarah and Elisabeth (ship),
Sarum Merchant, (ship),
Sea Flower.
Susanna of Bristol.
Shoats, Recovery of, 313.
Shoes, Value of, 248.
Shuttleworth, Thomas, 408, 410.
Sibrey, Jonathan, sheriff of
Cecil County, 421; see also
Table of Cases; Sybrey.
Silk (thread), Value of, 247.
Simpson, Thomas, 279, 342, 343,
Sinnett, Garret, of Charles
County, 217, 285, 286.
Sise, Edward, 89, no, 141, 148,
151, 260.
Siverett, Philip; see Table of
Skidmore, Edward, dec'd, 271 ;
see also Hacket, Alice
( —————— ), Skidmore]
Skillington, see Shillington.
Slander, Charge of, 118-121.
Slave, Price of, £25 sterl.. 122.
Slavery, Court decision on, 122.
Slippers, Value of, 248.
Sloop, Hire of, 83, 84, 85, 99.
Slye, Elizabeth, 136, 179, 183,
ffrances, 136, 179, 183, 313.
Gerard, gentleman, sheriff of
St. Mary's County, justice,
xiii, 35, 238, 342, 347, 349,
353; see also Table of
Now dwelling plantation of,
Gerard, admr., xviii, 60, 61,
63, 155; see also Table
of Cases; Chillman, Rich-
ard, dec'd.
John, of St. Mary's County,
182, 183, 186, 187, 348; see
also Table of Cases.
Robert, dec'd, 136, 179, 183,
Smallwood, James, 285, 286.
Smith, Elizabeth ( ... ),
Mrs. Richard, 318.
Henry, 73.
John, Calvert County, 119,
153, 186, 187, 279; see also
Table of Cases.
Matthew, of Talbot County,
Ralph, of Charles County, 407,
Richard, 318.
Robert, 84.
Thomas; see Table of Cases.
Thomas, servant, 116-117.
Smith, William; see Table of
Smiths Creeke, St. Mary's
County, 92.
Smith (tradesman); see Black-
Smithson, Thomas; see Table
of Cases.
William, 279.
Sojourner (boarder), 351.
Sollers, John, gentleman, com-
missioner of Anne Arundel
County, 289.
Solley, Lydia, 52; see also Table
of Cases.
Somerset County, Sheriff of, 69,
75, 76, 159, 236; see also
White, John; Walker, Tho:
Amercing of, 95, 233.
Surveyor of, 69, 165.
Southerne, Edward, 68, 69, 165.
Spade, Value of, 248.
Spanish oak, as boundary tree,
Sparkes, William; see Table of
Special Court of oyer & termi-
ner, 172.
Specialty (writing obligatory,
sealed and delivered), 261,
Speed, Richard, Bristol mari-
ner; see Table of Cases.
Spernon, Joseph; see Table of
Spices, Value of, 248.
Spinke, Thomas, 265, 315, 352,
Sprackling (Spratling), Symon,
10, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32, 316,