Poplar Hill Hundred, St.
Mary's County, 121.
Pork, Bond for payment of, 46,
Salted, well-saved, 83, 84, 85.
Portobacco or St. Thomas's
Creek, 218, 285, 340.
Posey, ffrancis, 137, 242, 243,
244, 404, 405, 407.
Possession, Delivery of, 320; see
also Writ of habere facias
Potter, malias Green, Eliza, 116;
see also Table of Cases.
Tho: St. Mary's County
planter; see Table of Cases.
[Pottle] poll of beer, Price of,
Powder and shot, Value of, 248.
Powell, Edward, indentured
servant, 90.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Edward, in-
dentured servant, 90.
George, 330, 358, 361, 378, 382,
John, 330, 358, 361, 378, 381,
Preston, Thomas; see Table of
Price, Jenkin, servant, xiv, 119,
John, of Calvert County, 61 ;
see also Table of Cases.
Thomas; see Table of Cases.
William; see Table of Cases.
Prince (negro), 400.
Prison: see county concerned.
Prisoner, Escape of, 69, 169, 210,
279, 321, 336, 342, 370.
Fees and charges concerning,
414, 415.
Transfer of, from one sheriff
to another, 420.
Privilege, Writ of, 49.
Proclamation, Cost of copying,
Proctor, Robt., Anne Arundel
County innholder, 292; see
also Table of Cases.
Proddy, Nicholas, dec'd, 68; see
also Addison, Jno., exr.
Proprietary, Attorney general
of, xii, 166, 385; see also
Cheseldyne, Kenelm; Bu-
ford, Thomas.
Contempt to, 80, 170.
Moiety of fines to, 106, 114.
Presence of, at Provincial
Court, 320.
Prison of, 48.
Proprietary, exr., see also Table
of Cases; Baltimore,
Charles, 3d. Lord; Notley,
Thomas, dec'd.
Prosecution, Refusal to make,
44, 45, 46, 132, 133, 142, 144,
146, 190, 281, 326, 332, 334,
364, 366, 387, 389.
Prosperous (ketch), London,
275, 308.
Protest, Instrument of, 21, 295,
382; see also Bill of ex-
Province, Chancellor of, i, 225,
385; see also Calvert, Philip.
Clemency of, to poor servant,
Fees to, for writ, 420.
Issuing of writs by, 191, 251-
346, 368, 420.
To approve security offered,
Warrant of, for arrest of serv-
ant, 63.
Province, Comissary general of,
3, 331, 364; see also Cal-
vert, Philip.
Appointment of administra-
tors by, 7, 150.
Council of, Clerk of, xii;
see also Boughton, Rich-
Secretary of, 64; see also
lLewellin, John.
Laws and constitutions of,
Principal secretary of, xii,
I, 64, 75 255; see
also Calvert, William;
Boughton, Richard.
Office of, xii, 210, 343.
Surveyor general of, 1, 255 ;
see also Lowe, Vincent.
Provincial Court, Adjournment
of, xii, 252-255, 273.
Clerk of, xii, 1, 80, 296, 414;
see also Painter, Nicholas.
Indemnification of, 168, 418.
Jurisdiction of, xi, xiii.
Justices of, 1, 80, 169; see also
Boughton, Richard; Brooke,
Baker; Calvert, Philip ;
Calvert, William; Darnall,
Henry; Digges, William ;
Lowe, Vincent; Stevens,
William; Taillor, Thomas;
Talbot, George.
Appearance before the Court
as defendant, 71, 162, 268.
Swearing in of, 81.
Liberties and privileges of, I,
24, 46, 144, 152, 160, 161,
235, 258, 376, 395, 397.
Meeting of, xi-xii, I, 80, 169,
222, 252-253, 255, 320.
Meeting place of, 1, 80, 169.
Prunner (pruner?), Value of,
Punch (drink), Price of, 334.
"Pursymon Pointe", St. Mary's
County, 135, 183, 185, 187,
319, 320-
Fyke, William; see Peake,
Pynn, Edward; see Table of
Quantum meruit, 1, 8, 11, 14, 29,
75, 99, 258, 335, 35 1, 377-
2uigley, Capt. John, St. Mary s
County merchant; see Table
of Cases.
Quilts, Calico, Value of, 176,
Raisins, Value of, 248.
Randall, Benja., Kent County,
gentleman, 134, 298; see
also Table of Cases.
Raspine, Samuel, of Charles
County, 69-70, 74-75, 133,
224, 244, 257, 405; see also
Table of Cases.
Ratcliffe, Emanuell, St. George's
Hundred, 2, 10, 12, 13, 15,
207, 265, 315, 316, 317, 329,
337, 338, 352, 355, 360, 363,
374, 378, 409; see also Table
of Cases.
Ratliffe, Abraham, 303, 308 ;
see also Ratcliffe.
Rawlings, John, of Dorchester
County; see also Table of
"Readbourne", Queen Anne's
County, xviii.
Reade, William, 288.
Receipt, Non-delivery of, 33.
On backside of bill, 292.
Validity of, 156, 221, 222.
Receiver of the goods of, 34, 40,
78, 159.
Reede, William, 330, 358, 382.
Reeves, Edward, 417, 418.
Thomas, of St. Mary's
County, 182, 183.
Refund, Court order to county
for, 242.
Reid, George, dec'd, Calvert
County, 222.
George, son of George, xviii,
William, 396.
Reider, Wm.; see Table of
Release from being surety, 387.
Rents and dues, Collection of, by
the sheriff, 353.
Replevin, Writ of, 60, 79, 187.
Resurvey, Request for, 68, 69,
Revell, Randall, Somerset
County, 82, 84.
Reversion of land after lease ex-
pires, 316.
Reynolds, Capt. Hugh; see
Table of Cases.
Thomas, of St. Mary's
County, 182.
Rice, Value of, 248.
"Rich Neck", St. Mary's
County, 136, 179, 183, 313,
Richardson, John, Talbot
County planter and inn-