Loton, Jacob, 2, 10, 12, 13, 15,
19, 30, 31.
Loveing friendship (ship), 303,
Lowe, Vincent, suveyor general,
justice, sheriff of Talbot
County, 1, 222, 276; see also
Table of Cases.
Lucom, John, mariner, of Lon-
don, 294, 295; see also Table
of Cases.
Lunn, Edward; see Table of
Lynes, Philip, Charles County
gentleman, 224, 252, 257 ;
see also Table of Cases ;
House of, in Charles County,
243, 404.
Machen, John, English mer-
chant; see Table of Cases.
Machine (surname); see
Mackensy, Collen, 186, 187; see
also Table of Cases ;
Dwelling house of, on St.
Clement's Bay, 347.
Mackloughlin, Kenelm, 158; see
also Table of Cases.
Macknemarrow, Sarah
[( —————— ) Griffith],
admrx.; see Table of Cases ;
Griffith, Lewis, dec'd.
Manpmrnarra, Timnthy. 288:
see also Table of Cases.
Maddox, Samuel, of St. Mary's
County, 182, 183, 186, 187.
Madox., Edw., & ux.; see Table
of Cases.
Magruther, James; see Table of
Maiden Swamp, near the back
creek, 182.
Man (Mann), Mr. Edward,
Talbot County planter &
merchant, 45, 235, 310; see
also Table of Cases.
Maning, Captain, 334.
Joseph; see Table of Cases.
Mary ( ) Black-
fan,] extrx; see Table of
Thomas, Talbot County, 151.
Manley, John, gentleman,
deputy surveyor pf St.
Mary's County, Westmore-
land County, Va., 135, 136,
181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187 ;
see also Table of Cases.
Mann; see also Man.
Mannatopason Run, St. Mary's
County, 182.
Manning, Mr. John, 251.
Mansell; see Mansfeild.
Mansfield (Mansell), Vincent,
St. Mary's County gentle-
man, 182, 183; see also Ta-
ble of Cases.
Mare, Value of, 418.
Mare and colt, Delivery of, 83,
84, 85.
Mares, Recovery of, 312.
Mariner (tradesman), 1, 4, 126,
294; see also Sea captain.
Mariner, Lucom, John.
Pagan, Peter.
Marksman, Cole, William.
Layton, William
Proctor, Robert.
Married woman, Inability of, to
sue, 43.
Marsh, Thomas, sheriff of Kent
County, 62; see also Table
of Cases.
Marsham, Richard, Calvert
County, 115, 140, 221; see
also Table of Cases.
Marsham, Richard, of Calvert
County, exr.; see Ling-
ham, George, exr.; Gos-
fright, Charles, dec'd; Gos-
fright's Executors.
Martin, John, of Charles
County, 158, 236.
Martindaile (Martindale), John,
224, 257, 279, 329, 337, 338,
349, 360, 363, 365, 374 409-
Maryland Merchant (ship) 377.
Mascall, Richard, dec'd, 207; see
also Archives LI, 264-265,
Mason; see also Maston.
Mason, Robert, 19, 98, 100, 102,
104, 107, 115, 121, 140, 170,
188, 211, 221, 323; see also
Table of Cases.
Master, Cruelty of, 413-414.
Masterman, Thomas, 398.
Maston [Mason?], Robert, of
St. Mary's County, 349.
"Mattapany", St. Mary's
County, 136, 179.
Maude, ffrancis; see Table of
Meanley, Jeffrey, 304, 307.
Mediation to end dispute over
tobacco, 327.
Medley, Thomas, St. Mary's
County planter, 317, 318.
Melius inquirendum; see Writ
Melton, Humphrey, 412.
Merchant's original books, De-
livery of, to Secretary's of-
fice, 75.
Merchants, English. Maryland
attorneys for, xii, 15, 37, 96,
108, 238, 301.
Merchant, English, Bawdon,
John, London.
Bennett, James, Poole.
Bisse, Thomas, Bristol.
Bowdler, Marmaduek, Bristol.
Chapman, Thomas, Liverpool.
Gosfright, Charles, London.
Dudlestone, John.
Dudlestone, Thomas.
Heron, Samuel, London.
Lewen, George, Poole.
Machen, John.
Metcalfe, Richard, York.
Orchard, William, Poole.
Parker, John.
Sanders, John, Bristol.
Sawyer, Arthur, Bristol.
Toulson, Mr. Thomas, Lon-
Merchant, Scottish, Cunning-
ham, Jno., Glasgow.
Merchants Delight (ship), of
London, 33, 361.
Merredy, Lewis, servant, 116-
Merriday, John, Dorchester
County planter; see also
Table of Cases.
Metcalfe, Richard, merchant, of
Yorke, Eng.; see also Table
of Cases.
Michaelmas, 164.
Middleton, Robert, 285, 286.
Miles, John, 417, 418,
Morrice, of St. Mary's
County, 182.
Milk house, Building of, on
plantation, 138.
Mill, Building of, 155-156.
Miller, Michl., Kent County
gentleman, 60, 62, 155, 257;
see also Table of Cases.
Mills, James, 7, 8, see also
Table of Cases.
James, exr.; see also Table of
Cases; Boston, Saml., dec'd.
Minchin, William, 303, 308.
Mirralls, Mary, 122.
Misericordia, Order for, against
sheriff, 197.
Mitchell, Henry, Calvert County
planter, xiv, 304, 307; see
also Table of Cases.
Mollins, Edward, St. Mary's
County chirurgeon, xvii,
115-116; see also Table of
Montague, Henry, dec'd, 142,
143; see also Cooke, Alice
( —————— ) Montague,
Mrs. Edward, admr.; Mon-
tague, Robert.
Robert, decd'd, 59, 414; see
also Cooke, Katherine
( —————— ) Montague,
Mrs. Edward; Montague,
Henry, dec'd.
Morgan, Edward, 329, 337, 338,
360, 363, 365, 374, 409.
Henry, 329, 337, 338, 360, 363,
365, 374, 409.
Henry, dec'd, 401.
Jenkin, 224, 257.
Morris, Richard, of Charles
County, 217.
Mountfort, Thomas; see Table
of Cases.