Hogsheads, Making of, on plan-
tation, 138.
Holdborough, Capt. John (mer-
chant), 238.
Holdsworth, Samuel, 90, 98, 100,
102, 104, 107, 120, 140, 170,
188, 211, 221, 323; see also
Table of Cases.
Holland George, 102, 115, 121,
140, 170, 211, 221; see also
Table of Cases.
Thomas, 308.
Holland cloth, Value of, 248.
Hollis, Henry, Calvert County
planter; sec Table of Cases.
Hood, Robert, of Kent County,
deceased, 74.
Hood, Price of, 66.
Hooper, Henry, 303, 305; see
also Table of Cases.
Hopkins, Peter, 121-122.
Hops, Contract for, 223.
Horn rings, Value of, 248.
Home, Edward, 175.
Horse, Taking of, for a debt,
66, 67;
Value of, 187.
Horse hire and work, 30.
Horse meat, Cost of, 251.
"Horselys Baliwick"; see
Horseys Baliwick."
Horsey, Mr. Stephen, 68, 69,
"Horseys Baliwick," Somerset
County, 68, 69, 165, 166.
Hosier, Henry, comm'r, Kent
County, 297.
Hoskins, Phillip, of Charles
County, gentleman, 219.
Houlbrooke ( Howlbrooke ) ,
Capt. John, (merchant),
House, Agreement to build, 261.
Howard, Cornelius; see Table
of Cases; Burges, Wm., et
Edward; see also Table of
Richard, 334.
Hull, Henry, of St. Mary's
County, 315-316.
Hulse, Meverell, of Charles
County, 244, 405, 407, 408.
Hundreds, St. Michael's, St. M.
County ;
St. Innagoes, St. Mary's;
Mt. Calvert Hundred, Cal-
vert (?);
Poplar Hill Hundred, St.
Mary's ;
St. George's St. Mary's
County ;
Leonard's Creek Hundred.
Hunt, Benjamin, see Table of
Husbands, Edward, Calvert
County chirurgeon; see Ta-
ble of Cases.
William, 90, 98, 100, 104, 107,
170, 188, 323.
Hussy, Tho: 89, 141, 218.
Hyland, John, 263, 265, 315,
352; see also Table of
Illness as reason for non-appear-
ance in court, 309.
Attendance in, 14, 15, 29.
Indenture, of charter party, 126-
Information, Filing of, 211.
Sufficiency of, 213-215.
Informer, Moiety of fines to,
106, 114, 140.
Third part of forfeitures to,
173, 175.
Inglish; see English.
Injunction to stay cause, 276,
315, 393.
Innes, Thomas, 175.
Innholders, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 36,
97, 414, 415.
Innholder, Baker, John.
Barnes, John.
Catterson, ffrancis.
Edmunds, Richard.
Exon, Henry.
Keene, Richard.
Proctor, Robert
Richardson, John.
Taney, Michael.
VanSweringen, Garret.
Inquisition indented, 316, 404,
Insufficiency of matter, 40, 379.
Inventory, Delivery of, before
unloading, 173, 174.
Ireland, Loading of vessels in,
Irons, Symon; see Table of
Ives, James, dec'd, 59; see also
Wells, Geo:, exr.
James, John, coroner of Cecil
County, 168.
Joseph; see Table of Cases.
Jeff[e]rs, Daniel, 307.
Jenkins, John, 407.
Jenkinson, Emanll, Talbot
County merchant; see Table
of Cases.
Johns, Richard, xvii; see also
Table of Cases.
Johnson, Bernard, cooper, 89,
110, 141, 148, 151, 260; see
also Table of Cases.
Ellinor; see Table of Cases.
Henry; see Table of Cases.
Hugh, of Talbot County, xviii,
James, of St. Mary's County,
Jones, Hamfrey, of Charles
County, 217.
Mary, admrx.; see Table of
Cases; Jones, Morgan,
dec'd; Jones, Morgan,
admrx. [sic],
Morgan, dec'd, 267; see also
Jones, Mary, admrx.
Morgan, admrx. [sic.]; see
Table of Cases; Jones,
Mary, admrx.
Richard, 63.
Robert, 316.
Robert, servant, 116-117.
Thomas, St. Mary's County
sloopman, 2, 08, 175, 358,
361, 378, 420; see also Table
of Cases.
William, English mariner; see
Table of Cases.
William, chirurgeon, dec'd,
289: see also Burges, Col.
William, admr.; Archives
LXVIII, 178-179.
Jourdaine, John, 186, 187.
Jowles, Henry, commissioner of
Calvert County, 246, 249;
see also Table of Cases.
Judge for the probate of wills,
94; see also Commissary
General; Calvert, Philip.
Judgment, Acceptance of, 20, 48.
Annulment of, by Provincial
Court, 300.
Arrest of, Prayer for, 19, 75,
84-83, 89, loo, 130, 156, 157,
170-171, 188, 221, 229, 257,
261-262, 275, 324.
Confession of, xix, 9, 23, 52,
78, 134, 166, 180, 288, 205,
283, 295, 345, 375, 383, 385,
By default, 135, 284, 289.
Prayer for, 46.
Prior satisfaction of, 418.
Recovery of, 246, 312.
Reversal of, 294, 313; see also
Appeal; Writ of error.
Satisfaction of, 57, 121, 154,
155; see also Acknowledg-
ment of satisfaction.
Supersedeas against, 63.
Sustaining of, by Provincial
Court, 350.
Jurisdiction of county court, De-
nial of, 370.
Jury, Foreman of, 218, 298.
Jury, Reversal of, by the Court,
171-172, 189.
Summonsing of, 2, 10, 12, 13,
15, 18-19, 31, 84 [sic], 89,
90, 98, 102, 104, 107, 109,
115, 120, 140, 141, 148, 151,
170, 175, 211, 217, 218, 221,
224, 257, 260, 279, 323, 329,
330, 337, 338, 348, 352, 354,
.358, 360, 361. 362, 365, 374,