Surveyor of, 217, 227, 405;
see also Brandt, Capt. Ran-
Charter party, Indenture of,
Cheating, Charge of, 256.
Cheese, Contract for, 223.
Value of, 247.
Cheseldyn, Kenelm, attorney,
xii, 16, 36, 38, 70, 71, 72, 73,
124, 126, 134, 135, 143, 153,
154, 157, 159, 162, 164, 165,
166, 187, 189, 204, 223, 232,
234, 239, 255, 263, 272, 273,
313, 317, 325, 354, 363, 377,
381, 385, 394; see also Table
of Cases.
Mary [(Gerard)], Mrs. Ken-
elm; see Table of Cases.
Chestnut oak as boundary tree,
407, 408.
Cheverell, John, 316, 317.
Chicchamoco or Phillips Creek,
Dorchester County, 287.
Chillman, Richard, dec'd, xviii,
24, 60, 61; see also Slye,
Gerard, admr.
Chirurgeon, Petition for ap-
pointment of, 115.
Work of, in curing disease,
xvii, 28-29.
Chirurgeon, Arthur, Archibald.
Gunnell, George.
Jones, William.
Lemarre, John.
Mollins, Edward.
Peirce, Doctor.
Chittam, Ann, 153.
Church, The [All Saints'], near
Bushwood, St. Mary's
County, 182.
Civil treatment, 379.
Claggett, Capt. Charles, of Cal-
vert County, 239.
Capt. Thomas, 301, 304.
Clare, Marke, 251.
Claret wine, Importation of,
174, 176.
Clarke, John, of Charles County,
218, 285, 286.
Thomas, of Somerset County,
76; see also Table of Cases.
Clayborne, Tho:; see also Ta-
ble of Cases.
Clayland, James; see Table of
Clement, John, 334.
Clements, John, dec'd, 45; see
also Clements, Mary,
Clements, Mary, admrx., 258;
see also Table of Cases;
Derumple, Mary ( ——— )
Clements Bay, St. Mary's
County, 182.
Clifts of Calvert County, 17,
105, 372.
Clipsham, Thomas, 407, 408; see
also Table of Cases.
Clocker, Daniel, 89, 141, 148,
151, 224, 257.
Cloth, Scotch, Theft of, 304, 308.
Coates, Thomas, 285, 286.
Cockee, Wm.; see Table of
Cockes, Jno:; see also Table of
Thomas, 279.
Cocket (official proof of entry),
176, 177.
Coe, Richard, 250.
Cog wheel and trunnel heads, for
mill, 155, 156.
Cohoke Crrek in Pamonkey
Neck, Virginia, 155.
Cole, Edward, 186, 187.
ffrancis, 316, 317.
Henry, of Calvert County,
[Margaret ( ————— ) Roch-
ford, Mrs. Wm.,], extrx. ;
see also Table of Cases;
Rochford, Michael, dec'd.
Wm., marksman, 2, 10, 12, 13,
IS, 19, 31, 32, 51; see also
Table of Cases.
Collier, Giles, 218.
Collins, Thomas; see Table of
William, error for Thomas,
William, Calvert County, 2,
3, 10, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32; see
also Table of Cases.
Colt, Finding and conversion of,
Comegijs, Cornelius, 2, 10, 12,
13, IS, 19, 31, 32.
Comegys, Cornelius, comm'r,
Kent County, 297.
Combs, Value of, 248.
Comfort (ship), of Bristol, 40,
4i, 42.
Commissary general; see Chan-
cellor; Calvert, Philip.
Commission for selling & for
storage, 65, 66, 303, 304,
306, 308.
Common warrant for survey of
land, 69.
Conaway, James, 8.
Condemnation of goods at-
tached, 79, 395.
Consideration, Insufficiency of,
Contempt to his Lordship,
Charge of, 80, 419.
Continuance, 161, 229; see also
Causes, Continuance of.
Conversion, Of horse colt, 109.
Of timber trees, 218.
Coode, John, 70, 136, 179, 183,
Susannah (Gerard) Slye,
Mrs. John, 179 ff., 182, 183,
313; see also Table of
Cooke, Alice ( ————— ) Mon-
tague, Mrs. Edward, admx. ;
see Table of Cases; Monta-
gue, Henry, dec'd; Monta-
gue, Katherine ( —— — — )
Edwd., 73; see also Table of
Katherine [( ————— ) Mon-
tague], Mrs. Edwd., 143;
see also Table of Cases;
Cooke, Alice ( —————— )
Montague, Mrs. Edwd.
Thomas; see Table of Cases.
Cooper, Henry, 308.
Thomas, of Kent County, 298.
Copland, Samuel, 153.
Corbett, ffrancis, 102, 115, 121,
140, 170, 211, 221.
Cordea, Mark, St. Mary's
County gentleman and mer-
chant, 116, 117; see also
Table of Cases.
Cordwainer (tradesman), 366.
Corke, in the kingdom of Ire-
land, 124, 127.
Corn, Execution of, 264.
For horses, Value of, 198.
In the ear, Recovery of, 313.
Cornwallis, Capt. [Thomas],
121, 122.
Coroner, Action byy, instead of
by the sheriff, 168.
Coroners' fees, 251.
Cosden, Thomas, 90, 98, too, 102,
104, 107, 115, 120, 140, 170,
188, 211, 221, 251, 317, 323.
Costs, Payment of, by each side
for the other, 71, 180, 318.
Cotton, Edmond, 283.
Country, Putting oneself upon,
2, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18,
32, 37, 38, 44, 58, 84, 89, 90,
98, 102, 104, 107, 109, 120,
139, 148, 151, 164, 170, 175,
188, 211, 2l8, 221, 257, 265,
279, 280, 28l, 284, 297, 323,
326, 329, 330, 337, 338, 348,
352, 355, 356, 360, 361, 362,
365, 374, 378, 381, 409.
Latin equivalent of, 224.
County, Order to, from Provin-
cial Court, 61, 347.
County levy, Undue rate of, 241.
Unjustifiable, 241-242.
Coursey, Henry, justice of the
Provincial Court, xi.
James, attorney, 206, 297, 298.
Court, Putting oneself upon, 29,
32, 34, 89.
Court cryer, Salary of, 250.
Court order, Vacation of, 70.
Court, County, as place in which
to bring suit, 85.
Limit on jurisdiction of, 219,
299, 370, 371, 372; see also
Archives VII, 71-73.
Putting oneself upon, 291.