Abatement, Plea for, 41
Abbot, Edward, 329, 337, 338,
360, 363, 365, 374, 409.
Abington, John, xix, see also
Table of Cases.
John, merchant, 138.
Abraham, see Ratliffe, Abraham.
Absconding of onesself, 72; see
also Not found.
Abscondit, Return of, by sheriff,
Accommodations, Provision of,
14, 30, 45, 97, I97ff., 333-
Account, Agreement upon, 291.
Exception to, 302, 304-305.
Filing of, along with quantum
meruit, 75.
Making of, 3, 147.
Plea for, 34, 40, 41, 78, 159,
238, 300, 331, 398.
Production of, in court, 9, n,
13, 14, 29, 30, 50, 77 101,
103, 132, 153, 177-178, 108-
199, 247, 334, 309, 417-418.
Account, Readiness to make, 35,
Swearing to, 249.
Account books, Petition for
copying of, 63.
Accounts, Help in settling, 14.
Acknowledgment of satisfaction,
60, 79, 121, 154, 155, 420.
Act of Assembly, of October 20,
1678, For appeals and regu-
lating writts of Errors, 219,
293, 35i; see also Archives
VII, 71-73-
[April 27, 1669] Concerning
attachments, 72, 78, 159,
273, 274, 316, 395, 397, 411,
418; see also Archives II,
Of Apr. 13, 1669, For the limi-
tation of certain actions,
171, 198, 300, 366; see also
Archives II, 201-202.
Of May 16, 1676, For the
limitation of officers fees,
113, 140, 211-212, 400, 412;
see also Archives II, 532-
Of May 16, 1676, Relating to
servants and slaves, 106,
154; see also Archives II,
Of October 1671, For the stay
of executions after April
Court, 252; see also Ar-
chives II, 323-324.
[Of May 15, 1676], Provid-
ing that suits for less than
1500 pounds of tobacco be
brought in the county courts,
85; see also Archives II,
Of May 29, 1676, To admit a
transcript as proof, 63; see
also Archives VII, 538.
[October 20] (1678), Against
disposing of tobacco seized
by the sheriff, 43-44; see
also Archives VII, p. 77.
Act of Parliament relating to
navigation or trade, 172;
see 15 Charles II, e. 7.
for ... preventing . . .
frauds ... in his majes-
teys customs, 173, 177; see
13 & 14 Car. II, c. II.
Adams, see Addams, Addames.
Addams (Adames), Henry,
commissioner of Charles
County, 191, 192, 193, 196,
197, 199, 217, 353-
Thomas, 265, 315, 352, 354-
Addison, John, xvi-xvii, 116,
117, 122, 265, 315, 355; see
also Table of Cases.
Addison, John, Exr., 317; see
also Table of Cases;
Proddy, Nicholas, dec'd.
Rebecca [( —————— ) Dent,
Mrs. Tho:] extrx., 317; see
also Table of Cases; Dent,
Tho:, dec'd.
Administrator as preferred
creditor, 92, 95.
Administrators, Differences be-
tween, 78.
Affros (beasts of burden), Ex-
emption of, from attach-
ment, 316.
Agent, factor and attorney, Em-
ployment of, 325.
Carelessness and negligence
of, 306.
Lack of effort by, 305.
Aglionby, Christopher, 55; see
also Addison, Jno :, & ux., v.
John Blomfield.
Agreement, Absence of proof of,
Akeith, George, 251.
Alcock, Tho:, 89, 90, 98, 100,
104, 107, 141, 188, 323.
"Alexanders Place," Dorchester
County, 395.
Allanson, Tho:, of Charles
County, 89, no, 141, 148,
151, 158, 260; see also Table
of Cases.
Allen, Samuel; see Table of
Allerton, Major Isaac, 66.
Anchor for sloop or longboat,
Value of, 377.
Anderson, James, servant, xvi,
Jno:, lawyer, 99; see also
Table of Cases.
Ann and Elisabeth (ship), Liv-
erpool, 378.
Anne Arundel County, Clerk of,
xii, 292; see also Boughton,
Court of, Appeal from, 289,
Justices of, 289.
Sheriff of, 283, 289; see also
ffrancklin, Robert, gentle-
Amercing of, 109, 3941
see also ffranklyn, Robert.
Annunciation, Feast of, to begin
a lease, 288.
Apleton, Capt., Jno: (mer-
chant), 66.
Appeal from countyy court, 219,
231, 234, 271, 272, 289, 298,
309; see also counties con-
Reasons for, 293-294, 298-300.
Appearance, for party to suit,
Necessity of, before issue
joined, 194.
Appraisers of personality, 417-
Archer, Peter, 153; see also Ta-
ble of Cases.
Arranocoa tobacco; see To-
bacco, Orinoco.
Arrest, Warrant for, 48, 76, 160,
161, 168 192, 197, 209, 216,
234, 273, 276, 277, 278, 289,
296, 313,336,339, 369,419;
see also Capias.
Arrest of judgment, 75, 85, 170-
171, 211, 276, 352, 356-357,
Denial of, by Court, 215, 224,
Arthur, Archibold, chirurgeon;
see Table of Cases.
Mary, servant woman, 9.
"As to justice appertained," xv,
69, 135, 136, 137, 181, 185,
191, 196, 228, 242, 244, 285,
369, 395, 404, 406, 419.
Ascomb, John; see Table of
Ash as boundary tree, 285, 286.
Ashbury, ffrancis, of Kent
County, 208.
Ashford, Michael, 329, 337, 338,
360, 363, 365, 374, 409-
Askin, John, 2, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19,
31. 32, 175.
Assault, Charge of, 169-170.