Smith, Walter, v. Henry Jowles, 318.
Smith, William, v. Gerrard Slye, 231, 277-279;
see also Archives LXVIII, 30-31.
Smithson, Thomas, v. Richard Covell, 168-169.
Solley, Lydia, v. Collen Mackensy, 116, 230, 276,
Sparkes, William, v. Philip Lynes, 68, 136-137,
242-244, 402-409.
Speed, Richard, ats. Robert Ridgely, 52-53.
Spernon, Joseph, ats. John Rousby, 394.
Spratling, Symon, ats. Emanuell Ratcliffe, 272,
Spring, William, of Kent County, 298.
Stagg, Margaret, ats. Roger Baker, 73, 75.
Stagg, Margaret, admrx. Thomas Stagg, v.
Richard Browton, 268.
ats. John Bearcroft, 54.
ats. John Bearcroft, 56, 82.
Stagg, Mary [i.e., Margaret] admx. Tho: Stagg,
ats. Gerard Slye, 231, 275, 300.
Stampe, Martin, v. Benjamin and Thomas
George, 380-382.
Staplefort, Raymond, v. Timothy Manemarra,
271, 364-365.
v. Timothy Macknemarrow & Sarah
[( —— — ——— ) Griffith,] his wife, admrx.
Lewis Griffith, 364-365; see also Staple-
ford, Raymond, v. Timothy Mackne-
Staples, Henry, v. Issabella Broadrib, cxtrx.
John Broadrib, 392.
Stevens, Wm., v. Tho: Shillington, 72, 140-141.
ats. James Barbier, 233.
Stocket, Henry, v. Robert Peca, xix, 63-64; see
also Archives LXVII, LXVIII, passim.
Stone, John, ats. John Rawlings, 58.
Strong, Robert, v. Tho: Mudd, 95.
Swaney, Thomas, v. Hugh ffrench, 394.
Sweatnam, Richard, ats. John Quigley, 16.
Taillor, Tho: ats. James Bennet & Wm. Dowl-
berry, 73, 126-130, 154.
Tailor, Tho :, Esqr., v. Josias Lenham & Jas.
Balderstone, admrs. John Desiardins, 67,
131-132; see also Archives LXVIII, 224-
Tailor, Tho: ats. Wm. Dowlberry, 72-73, 124-
126, 229.
ats. Wm. Dolbury, 229.
Taney, Michael, v. Gosfright's Executors, 12-14.
v. Gosfright's Exrs., 14-15.
ats. Gosfright's Exrs., 5-6.
ats. Gosfright's Exrs., 6-7.
ats. Gosfright's Exrs., 8-9.
ats. Gosfright's Executors, 9-10.
ats. Gosfright's Executors, 10-12.
Tarleton, Edward, v. John Quigley, 237.
[Tasker, Rebecca ( —————— ) Brooke,] ux.,
extrx. John Brooke, Tasker, Thomas, &
ats. John & Thomas Dudlestone, 44-45.
Tasker, Thomas, v. John Broome, 273, 393.
v. Anthony Dawson, 392.
v. Tho: Medley, 71, 100, 229.
Tasker, Thomas, & [Tasker, Rebecca
( —————— ) Brooke,] ux., extrx. John
Brooke, ats. John & Thomas Dudlestone,
[Taverner,] Elizabeth [( —————— ) Cole], ux.,
Taverner, Jno:, &, v. Nicho Nicholson &
HeSter his wife, admrx. 233, 266, 337-339.
Taverner, Jno: & [Taverner,] Elizabeth his
wife, v. Nicho Nicholson & HeSter his
wife, admrx. Wm. Gough, 233, 266, 337-
Taylor, Thomas, v. Anthony Dawson, 271, 391.
Taylor, William, ats. Henry Mitchell, 275, 375.
Tench, John, ats. John England, 160.
Tennehall, Andrew, v. John Bennett, 245, 315,
Thomas, Wm., ats. William Wells, 271, 392.
Thompson, James, v. John Welsh, 55.
Thompson, Robert, ats. Robert Carvile, 109, 268,
als. James Neale, 160, 203-204, 232, 269.
Tilghman, Mary, ats. ffrancis Hill, 91, 228.
Toulson, Thomas, ats. Joseph Pile, 304.
Tovey, Samuell, ats. Marmaduke Bowdler, 75,
148-149; see also Archives LXVIII, 221.
Truman, Thomas, ats. Thomas Hagleton, 81,
226, 267, 389; see also Archives LXVI,
xxi-xxii, 291, 351, 489.
Truman, Tho: ats. Richard Perry, 60, 79.
Turberfield, Gilbert, v. Robert Carvile, 51-52,
Turford, Theophilus, v. Edward Gibbs, 75.
v. Christopher Hassell, 42-44.
ats. Robert Carvile, 161.
ats. John & Thomas Dudlestone, 39-42,
159, 231.
ats. Christopher Rousby, 160.
ats. Christopher Rousby, 160-161.
Utie, Susanna, v. John Nichols & ux., 271, 393.
v. John Nichols & ux., 271, 393.
VSweringen, Garret, v. Josias ffendall, xx-xxi,
59, 93, 196-202, 313.
v. James Pattison & Margaret
[( —————— ) Hall Pattison], ux., extrx.
Walter Hall, 387-389.
v. Wm. Pertt, 59, 93, 191-195.
v. John Quigley, 81, 223-224, 267, 385.
v. John Quigley, 81, 223, 267.
ats. Charles, 3d. Lord Baltimore, & Ben-
jamin Rozer, exrs. Tho: Notley, 224-225.
ats. John Lucom, 294-296.
VanSweringen, Garret, admr. John Deery, v.
Jno. Quigley, 81, 226, 267.
v. John Quigley, 81, 226, 267.
Vaughan, Thomas, ats. Robert Yeates & William
Jones, 270, 358-359.
Wade, John, v. Thomas Lomax, 133-135.
Walker, Tho: ats. the Proprietary, 231, 266, 391.
Washfeild, Robt., Johnson, Henry, & Johnson,
Ellino, ats. Thomas ffoulkes & u-x., admrx.
Thomas ffisher, 269, 392.
ats. Thomas ffoulkes & ux., admr. Thomas
ffisher, 269, 392.
Watkins, Edward, v. Wm. Hill & John Phillips,
Watkinson, John, v. Thomas Collins, 401.
Watts, Stephen, Deane, Gabriel, & v. John Sand-
ers, 157-158.
v. John Sanders, 157.
Welbourne, Tho:, Page, Nicholas, Bonvile,
Amos, &, v. John Sanders, 236.
Wells, Geo: exr. James Ives, ats. James Mills,
59, 103-104.