ats. Thomas Bland, 272, 300; see also Ar-
ats. Wm. Burges, 104, 227, 389.
Hill, Richard, Burges, Wm., &, admrs. Samuel
Withers, ats. Barnaby Dunch 77-78.
Hill, Wm., v. William Cole & [Margaret ( ——
— — —— ) Rochford,] ux., extrx. Michael
Rochford, 54.
Hill, Wm., & Phillips, John, ats. Edward Wat-
kins, 401.
Holdsworth, Samll, v. Edward Husbands, 237.
Holland, George, v. Nicholas Nickolls, 233, 391.
Hollis, Henry, ats. John Rogers, 269, 357-358.
Hooper, Henry, v. John Marriday, 287-289.
Howard, Edward v. Cha Harington, 268.
Hull, Henry, ats. John Patty (Paty), 315-317;
see also Archives LXVIII, 69-70.
Hunt, Benjamin, ats. Robert Ridgely, 392.
Husbands, Edward, ats. Samll Holdsworth, 237.
Hyland, John, ats. John Harris, 232, 268.
ats. Michael Offley, 55, 91, 228.
Irons, Symon, ats. Richard Royston, 81.
ats. Richard Royston, 81.
ats. Richard Royston, 81.
Jenkinson, Emanll, ats. Richard Metcalfe, 270,
Johns, Richard, v. Edward Carter, 57, 82.
v. James Harrison, xvii, 16-19.
Johnson, Bernard, v. Eliza Letchworth, xviii,
xix, 57, 137-140; see also Archives
Johnson, Ellinor, Washfeild, Robt., Johnson,
Henry, &, ats. Thomas ffoulkes, & ux.,
admrx. Tho: ffisher, 269, 392.
at s. Thomas ffoulkes & we., admrx. Tho :
ffisher, 269, 392.
Johnson, Henry, ats. James Mills, 162, 231, 266,
Johnson, Henry, Johnson, Ellinor, Washfield,
Robt., &, ats. Thomas ffoulkes & ux.,
admrx. Thomas ffisher, 269, 302.
ats. Thomas ffoulkes & ux., admrx.
Thomas ffisher, 269, 392.
Jones, Morgan, v. Richard Wells, 394.
Jones, Morgan admrx. [sic], v. Clement Hill,
231, 267.
v. Gerrard Slye, 231, 267.
Jones, Thomas, v. William Cole & [Cole, Mar-
garet ( —————— ) Rochford,] ux., extrx.
Michael Rochford, 54, 82.
v. Samll. Dobson, 232, 276, 353-357, 420.
v. John England, 55, 91, 226, 265, 315,
v. Matthew Nelson, 251-252; see also Ar-
chives LXV, 157-158.
v. John Penroy, 30-31.
ats. John England, 57, 93, 226, 265, 326-
329, 410.
ats. John Penroy, 30-31.
ats. Benjamin Rozer & the Proprietary,
233, 268, 401.
Jones, William, v. Vincent Lowe, 269, 390.
v. William Peake (Pyke, Pike), 233, 277,
Jones, W., Weates Robert, &., v. Thomas
Vaughan, 270, 358-359.
Jowles, Henry, v. Peter La Mare, 115, 228.
ats. Walter Smith, 318.
Keene, Richard, v. John Cock [es], 229.
ats. John Cockes, 54, 91, 228.
Kemp, Tho:, ats Mary Browne, 96.
Keene, Susanna, v. Thomas Smith, 273.
Kidd, William, ats. John Abington, 234, 277,
Kinnastone, Thomas, ats. John Smith, 272, 393.
Knighton, Tho :, v. Robert Peca, 167, 230.
La Mare, Peter, ats. Henry Jowles, 115, 228.
Ladd, Richard, ats. John Atkey, 61, 113-114.
ats. Nicholas Painter, 395.
Larkin, Jno :, admr. Enoch Bolton, ats. James
Mills, 59.
ats. James Mills, exr. Samuel Boston,
Laurence, Benja., z'. Wm. Pindar, 54.
v. Edward Pindar, 270, 361-363.
v. Edwd. Pindar, admr. Wm, fforde, 100.
Layton, William, ats. Benjamin Nesham, lessee
Ridgely, 68-70, 163-166.
Leach, Edward, v. Robert Murphy, 88-89, 154.
Leisler, Jacob, v. Marke Cordea, 19-20.
v. Mark Cordea, 21-23.
Lemare, John v. George Godfrey, xiii, 105, 216-
220, 227-228, 284-286.
Lenham, Josias, & Balderstone, Jas., admrs.
Jno: Desiardins, ats. Archibold Arthur,
67, 226, 250-260.
ats. John Owen, 67, 130.
ats. Thos. Tailor, Esqr., 67; see also Ar-
chives LXVIII, 224-225.
Letchworth, Eliza, ats. Bernard Johnson, xviii-
xix, 57, 137-140; see also Archives
LXVII, LXVIII, 57, 58, 152.
Lewen, George, Orchard, Wm., &, ats. James
Derumple & Mary [( — —— —— ) Clem-
ents Derumple], ux., extrx. John Clem-
ents, 234-235, 410.
Lewis, Henry, v. Barnard Eaglestone, 268.
Lewis, James, v. Miles Grey, xv-xvi, 82-85.
ats. Robert Carvile, 46-47.
ats. Wm. Guither, 273-274.
Lingham, George, Marsham, Richard, &., exrs.
Chas. Gosfright, v. John Yeo, 246-250.
Lislington, John, ats. Thomas Cooke, 75, 86.
Loftis, John, ats. Nicholas Painter & Judeth his
wife, admrx. Wm. Parker, 273, 372-374.
Lomax, Thomas, v. Gerrard Slye, 136, 168, 179-
183, 313-315.
Lomax, Shomas, ats. John Wade, 133-136.
London, Ambrose, ats. John Graham, 270, 391.
Long, Tho: ats. William Calvert, 71, 156, 229,
Longden, John, v. Tho: Clarke, 76; see also Ar-
chives LXVIII, 157-158.
ats. the Proprietary 75-76, 236-237; see
also Archives LXVIII, 231-232.
Lowe, Vincent, Esqr., v. Ralph ffishbourne, 72.
Esqr., v. John Quigley, 89, 169-172.
ats. John Baker, 268, 390.
ats. John Baker, 268, 390.
ats. Mary Eaton, 71, 162, 230.
ats. William Jones, 269, 300.
Lucumb, John, v. Henry Exon, 384-385.
v. Joseph Pile, 382-384.
v. Garret Vansweringen, 294-206.
Lunn, Edward, for himself and for the Proprie-
tary v. Anthony Demondadeer, 115, 270,