Thousand six hundred fifty two pounds of Tobacco, To Thomas
Bankes upon a Judgment obtained in Calvert County Court Two
thousand Eight hundred fifty two pounds of Tobacco, And to Capt
Richard Ladd for Sheriffes ffees Allowed by this Court the sume
of One thousand and sixty pounds of Tobacco
February ye 21th 1680
Allowed by this Court to The Honoble Philip Calvert Esq Chan-
cellor for Sealeing and signing a Habeas Corpus The sume of five
Shillings and five Pence sterling Money
ffebruary 22th 1680
Allowed to Major William Boareman high sheriffe of st Maryes
County for fees due for Imprisonment of Thomas King for Eleaven
Dayes att Twenty Pounds of tobacco p day The sume of Two hun-
dred and Twenty pounds of Tobacco To be paid out of the estate
of the said Thomas King
ffebruary ye 18th 1680
Came Samuel Dobson late Undersheriffe of st Maryes County
into open Court, and acknowledged to have Received of Thomas
Jones of st Innagoes Sloopman full satisfaccon for a Nonsuite by
him the said Samuel this Day Recovered against the said Thomas