Philip Lines in manner & forme aforesaid ought not to have, Be-
cause hee sayth That hee the said Philip of the Trespasse and Eject-
ment aforesaid above by the said Pit in his said Declaracon alleadged
against him is in noe wise guilty, & of this hee puts himself upon
the Country, and the said plt Likewise
Liber W. C.
Therefore Comand is given to the Sheriffe of st Maryes County
that hee Cause to come here Twelve &c. by whome &c and who
neither &c To Recognize &c, because aswell &ca
Now here att this day To witt, The Eighteenth day of ffebru-
ary in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles
Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj One thousand six hundred and
eighty came the said partyes by their Attorneys aforesaid. And the
Juro" impannelled being called Likewise Came (to witt) Richard
lLoyd, Michael Ashford, William Wells, John Gray, Edward Abbot,
Emanuel Ratliffe, John Evans, John Wynn, Edward Morgan, John
Martindale, John Browne, & Henry Morgan, Who being elected
tryed and Sworne to say ye truth in the prmisses Upon their oathes
doe say, That the said Philip Lines is guilty of the Trespasse and
Ejectment above imposed Upon him, Therefore Itt is Considered
That the said William Sparkes as Lessee to the said Henry Hardy
Recover against the said Philip Lynes his said Terme yet to Come
of and in the said Messuage and One hundred and fifty Acres of
Land called Hardys purchase with the appurtenances Whereof by
the Jury aforesaid it is above found the said philip to be guilty of
the Trespasse and Ejectment aforesaid, and also the Sume of Nine
thousand one hundred sixty & seaven pounds of Tobacco. Costs of
Suite, and the Defendt in Mercy &c.
ffebruary 22th 1680
Allowed to Edward Abbott of Charles County for Comeing goe-
ing and attendance to testify for Gerrard Slye att the suite of John
Machen in all Twenty five dayes att Thirty pounds of Tobacco p
day is Seaven hundred & fifty Pounds of Tobacco
Eod. Die
Allowed to John Wynne of st Maryes County for comeing goeing
and Attendance To Testify for John Watson Execuf of John Cun-
ingham against John Addison and his wife Extx of Nicholas Proddy
decd, in all Tenn dayes at Thirty pounds of Tobacco p day is Three
hundred pounds of Tobacco
Eod. Die
Then Allowed to Thomas Hinton of st Maryes County for Come-
ing goeing and attendance To testify for Hugh Reynolds against
Thomas Hebb in all Tenn dayes att Thirty pounds of Tobacco
p day is Three hundred pounds of Tobacco
p. 375