Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 395
Nicholas Painter
Richard Ladd
[The Deft by Charles Boteler his Attorney ap-
peares and imparles untill next Provinc" Court
Liber W. C.
Christopher Rousby
Bartholomew Ennalls
Unlesse the deft appeare next Court the sher-
iffe of Dorchester County amerced.
Christopher Rousby
Jarvis Ballard
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of Calvert
County that hee should Attach any the goods
or Chattles of Jarvis Ballard If they Should bee
found in his baliwick To the Vallue of Three
thousand Seaven hundred sixty five pounds of Tobacco, and when
hee had the same soe attached or any part thereof the same in his
Custody to Keepe untill the said Jarvis Ballard should by himself
or his Attorney appeare here the Eleaventh day of May in the ffifth
yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore
&c Annoq Dominj 1680 To answere unto Christopher Rousby gentl
one of the Attorneys of this Court according to the Libertyes and
Priviledges allowed &c in a plea of Trespasse upon the case, On wch
said Eleaventh day of May Capt Richard Ladd sheriffe of the
County aforesaid made Returne of the writt aforesaid That by
vertue thereof hee hath attached in the hands of Symon Wilmer
The Sume of Three thousand seaven hundred sixty five pounds of
Tobacco, Whereupon the said Christopher Rousby Prayed That
the aforesaid sume of Three thousand Seaven hundred sixty five
pounds of Tobacco might bee Condemned unto him upon giveing
Security according to the Act of Assembly in that case made and
Provided, and Itt is granted by the Court here
Now here att this day to witt the Three and Twentyeth day of
ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680, Came the said
Christopher Rousby wth Robert Ridgely his Security who under-
tooke for the sd Christopher in the sume of Three thousand Seaven
hundred sixty five pounds of tobacco to indempnifie this Court
against all accons Suites or other matters that shall or may happen
touching or concerning the aforesaid attachmt, and shall make resti-
tucon of the said Sume of Three thousand Seaven hundred sixty
five pounds of Tobacco or the vallue thereof in case the said Jarvis
Ballard or his Attorney shall wthin one yeare and a day make his
Just and due defence and proceed on in the said accon in Comon
forme, & make it appeare that the said Christopher Rousby is Satis-
fyed his just demands, And thereupon the Court condemned the
said Tobacco so attached as aforesaid, and Ordered that the said
simon Wilmer pay unto the sd Christopher Rousby the Said sume
of Three thousand Seaven hundred Sixty five Pounds of Tobacco
so attached in his hands as aforesaid.