son and Margrett Hall Executrix of the Last will and Testament of
the said Walter Hall decd That they should bee and appeare here on
the said {fifteenth day of ffebruary as by the said writt hee was
Comanded, But the said Thomas Taylor is not to bee found within
his Baliwick
Now here att this day to witt the Three and Twentyeth day of
ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the dominion of the Right Honoble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 the aforesaid
James Pattison and Margaret his wife by Robert Ridgely his Attor-
ney Cometh and defendeth the force and injury when &c Whereupon
the said Garret Vanswearingen refuseth to make any further prose-
cucon against the said James and Margaret upon the scire facias
aforesaid, Therefore Itt is Considered that the said Garret take
nothing thereby but for his false Clamor therein bee in Mercy, and
that the said James & Margrett may goe thereof without day, and
also that the said James Pattison and Margrett his wife Recover
against the said Garrat Vanswearingen the sume of
pounds of Tobacco for their Costs and charges by them about their
Defence in this behalfe Layd out and expended, and the said Thomas
& Margarett may have thereof Execucon
Liber W. C.