386 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
debt and Costs doth Remaine to bee made, and whereas one
Thomas Taylor of Dorchester County and Walter Hall of st Maryes
County formerly (that is to say) The Twelfth day of June in the
year of our Lord 1678 in the same Provinciall Court held att the
Citty of St Maryes before the Justices there psonally came, and did
become suretyes for him the said John Quigley, and the said Thomas
& Walter did acknowledge in open Court that if the said John
Quigley should bee cast in that suite. And did not satisfy the
Condemnacon thereupon or Rendr his body to prison, that they would
Satisfy and pay the same, Yet the said John Quigley the said debt
and costs aforesaid to the said Garrett hath not paid nor himself to
Prison for that occasion hath not yet Rendred, as by the insinuacon
of the same Garret in the same Provinciall Court att the Citty of
st Maryes aforesd hath been accepted Whereupon the said Garret
supplicated his Lopp the Lord Propry to provide for him a fitt
Remidy in this behalf, and his said Lopp being willing in this behalfe
to doe that wch is Just Did Comand the said Sheriffe that by honest
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& lawfull men of his Baliwick hee should make Knowne to the
said Thomas Taylor and to James Pattison and Margaret his wife
Executrix of the last will and Testament of Walter Hall deceased
that they bee and appeare before the Justices of the Provinciall
Court to bee held att the Citty of st Maryes the fifteenth day of
ffebruary next to shew Cause if they or any of them have or Know
anything to say for themselves wherefore the said Gerrard ought
not to have his Execucon against them the said Thomas Taylor &
James Pattison and Margaret his wife Exix of the last will and
Testament of the said Walter Hall as aforesaid of the debt and Costs
aforesaid according to the force forme & effect of the Recovery
aforesaid, as to them itt shall seeme Expedient, and further to doe
and receive all and singuler those things wch the said Court of
them shall considr in that behalfe, and have you then there the names
of them by whome you make this Knowne and the same writt
Att wch said {fifteenth day of ffebruary Stephen Gary sheriffe
of the County aforesaid made returne of the writt aforesaid That
on the first day of ffebruary 1680 in the presence of John Brooke
and William Dorrington Two Lawfull men of his Baliwick hee
made Knowne to Thomas Taylor in the same writt named That hee
should bee and appeare here on the said ffi f teenth day of ffebruary
to doe and Receive what the said writt required, as by the same writt
hee was Comanded, and that the said James Pattison and Margaret
his wife are not to bee found within his Baliwick
And now here att this day to witt the three and twentyeth day of
ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 The said Thomas
Taylor by Robert Ridgely his Attorney cometh and dcfendeth the
force and injury when &c. and sayth. That Execucon upon that
Judgment in the scire facias mentioned against him, the said Garret