382 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
George Powell, William Harris, Thomas Waughopp, William Reede
Elias Nuthall & John Bailey, Who being elected Tryed and Sworne
to say the Truth in the premisses Upon their oathes Doe say, That
they finde by Violent presumption that Martin Stampe is Dead
Therefore Itt is Considered that the said Martin Stampe take noth-
ing by his writt aforesaid but bee in mercy for his false claime there-
upon, and that the said Benjamin George and Thomas George may
goe thereof without day. and also that the said Benjamin George
and Thomas George Recover against the Estate of the said Martin
Stampe the sume of pounds of Tobacco for their
Costs and charges by them about their defence in this behalfe Laid
out and expended
John Lucumb
Joseph Pile
Joseph Pile late of St Maryes County gentl was at-
tached to answer unto John Lucumb of London
Maryner of a plea of Trespasse upon the case
And whereupon the said John Lucumb his At-
torney Complaineth that Whereas ye said Joseph Pile was indebted
to the said John Lucumb in the sume of ffoure pounds sixteen
shillings and two pence starling, and being soe indebted the said
Joseph did the ninth day of Aprill 1680 in Consideracon thereof
Draw one bill of Exchange according to the custome of Marchants,
and signed wth the proper hand of the said Joseph, and directed to
one Certaine Thomas Toulson. by the name of Mr Thomas Toulson
Marchant in London for the payment of the said ffoure pounds
sixteene shillings and Two pence Sterl att Twenty dayes after sight
of the said bill of Exchange to the said John Lucumb or his order,
And the said Joseph Pile did then & there assume upon himself and
to the said John Lucumb did faithfully pmise That if the said
Thomas Toulson the said sume of ffoure pounds sixteene shillings
and Two pence stert to him the said John or his ordr did not well
and truely pay according to the Tenor of the said bill of Exchange,
That the said Joseph would well and truely pay the same when there-
unto Required, And the said John in ffact sayth That on the second
day of September Annoq? Dominj 1680 And in the Two and thirty-
eth yeare of the Reigne of Our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the
Second &c att the request of the said John Lucumb. Nicholas Hay-
ward Notary and Tebellian Publiqj Dwelling in London by Author-
ity of his said Majesty admitted & sworne speaking to Mr Thomas
Toulson of London Marchant Demanded of him if hee would pay
the said Originall bill of Exchange for ffoure pounds Sixteene shil-
lings and Two pence sterl Whereupon the said Mr Toulson answered
That hee would not pay the said bill for want of advice, W* answere
p. 35i
the said Notary haveing heard (att ye request aforesd) had Pro-
tested and by those prsents did Protest aswell against Joseph Pile
drawer of the said bill, as all others therein any wayes Obleiged ffor
all costs damages & interests already Suffered, and hereafter to bee