360 Provincial Court Proceedings, i6f9/8o.
Liber W. C.
And the said Seth Biggs by Robert Ridgely his Attorney Cometh
and defendeth the force and injury when &c and Prayeth liberty to
imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court and it is granted unto
him, The Same day is given to the plantiffe likewise
Att wch said next Provinciall Court to witt the Two and Twenty-
eth day of ffebruary in the sixth Yeare of the Dominion of the Right
honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 Came the
said partyes by their Attornys aforesaid, and the Said Seth Biggs
by his said Attorney Sayth That hee is in noe wise guilty of the
premisses above imposed upon him, in manner & forme as the said
p. 329
Ninian in his Declaracon against him hath Complained, and of this
hee putts himself Upon the Country. And the plantiffe Likewise
Itt is therefore Comanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that
hee cawse to come here Twelve &c. by whom &c. and who neither &c
to Recognize &c. because aswell &ca
On wch said Two and Twentyeth day of ffebruary in the year e
aforesaid cam [e] the said partyes by their Attorneys aforesaid, and
the Jurors impannelled being called Likewise came (To witt) Richard
Lloyd. Michael Ash ford, William Wells, John Gray, Edward Abott.
Emanuel Ratliffe, John Evans Jno Wynn Edward Morgan, John
Martindale, John Browne, & Henry Morgan Who being Elected
Tryed and Sworne to say the truth in the premisses Upon their
oathes doe say, That the said Seth Biggs is in noe wise guilty of the
premisses above imposed upon him in manner and forme as the said
plt in his Declaracon against him hath Complained, Therefore it is
Considered by the Court here that the said Ninian Beale take nothing
by his writt but bee in Mercy for his false Claime thereupon, and
that the said Seth Biggs may goe thereof without Day And also that
the said Seth Biggs Recover against the said Ninian Beale the Sume
of One thousand Two hundred and foure pounds of Tobacco for his
Costs and Charges by him about his Defence in this behalfe Layd
out and Expended, and the said seth may have thereof Execution
James Magruther]
Seth Biggs
Seth Biggs late of Calvert County was attached
ko answere unto James Magruther of a plea
wherefore by force & Armes One hogshead of
Tobacco of the prop goods and Chattles of the
said James hee did take and carry away and other Enormityes to
him did doe, And against the Peace &c
And Whereupon the said James Magruther by Charles Boteler
his Attorney Complaineth That Whereas the said Seth Biggs upon
the sixteenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1680 att the
Westerne branch of Petuxen River in Calvert County by force and
Armes one hogshead of principall good bright Pickt and Culled
Tobacco Weighing Neate Three hundred and seaventy pounds of
Tobacco, of the Vallue of Three pounds ffifteene shillings sterl, of