I st — That ye two hhds of Tobacco prtended to bee
stollen from Henry Mitchels was not the pp
H Tob
Tob of the sd Arthur sawyer nor marked wth
... 798
ye marke of the sd Arthur, neither was they re-
ceived for the said Arthur Sawyers use & soe
not to bee Allowed to the said accountant .....
(2) — That the one hhd of Tob prtended to bee stollen"
from Jeffrey Meanlys reed by the ordr of James
Thompson was not the prop Tob of the sd
Arthur sawyer nor marked with the marke of
.... 480
the said Arthur neither was it recd for ye said
Arthur Sawyers use and soe not to bee allowed
to the said accomptant ....................
(3) — That the one hhd of Tob prtended to bee lost"
from paul Higgens was not the pp Tob of the
said Arthur sawyer nor marked wth the marke
.... 402
of the said Arthur Neither was it Received for