294 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
lowed, & ye plt to have Judgmt for ye residue, but to give Judgmt
for the whole bill is Manifest Error in ye sd Judgmt. All wch the
said Robert is ready to Averre & prayeth the said Judgmt for the
Reasons aforesaid others in the Record being many, bee Reversed
anulled & made voyd, & yt hee unto all wch by occasion of the Judgmt
aforesaid given hath Lost may bee Restored
p. 267
And hereupon the Record and proceedings aforesaid for the
Rendring the Judgment thereupon, and the aforesaid Causes and
Matters by the aforesaid plt for Errors Assigned being scene and by
the Justices here fully Understood and Dilligently Examined and
for that It appeareth unto the same Justices that in the Record and
pcesse aforesaid as also in the Rendring the Judgment aforesaid Itt
is manifestly Erronious, Itt is therefore Considered that the afore-
said Judgment for the Erro" in the Record and Processe aforesaid
bee Revoaked Adnulled & altogether held for Nothing, and that the
aforesaid Robert Proctor unto all things which by occasion of the
Judgment aforesaid hee hath lost bee Restored, and that the Said
Robert Proctor Recover against the said William Burges Adminis-
trator as aforesaid the Sume of pounds of
Tobacco for his Costs of suite in this behalfe Layd out and Expended
Lucom v[er]s[u]s
, Garrat Vansweringen late of St Marys Citty
[ Inholder was Attached to answere unto John
Lucom of London Marriner of a Plea of tres-
pas vpon ye Case.
And wherevpon ye Sd John Lucom by Robert Ridgely his Attorny
Complaineth that whereas the sd Garrat was indebted to the said
John in ye Sume of fifteen pounds Sterling And being so in-
debted the sd Garrat did the Eleaventh day of ffebruary one thou-
sand six hundred Seaventy nine In Consideracon thereof draw one
bill of Exchange according to ye Custome of Merchants & signed
wth the prop hand of the sd Garrat and directed to one certaine
Thomas Panton by the name of the Honorble Coll Thomas Panton
in London for the payment of ye sd ffifteen pounds att ten dayes
after sight of the Said bill of Exchange to ye sd John Lucom or his
Order And the said Garrat Vansweringen Did then assume vpon
himself & to the sd John Lucom did ffaithfully pmise That if he
the sd Thomas Panton the sd ffifteen pounds Sterling to him the
sd John or his Order did not well & truely pay according to the Tenor
of ye sd Bill of Exchang that the sd Garrat would well & truely pay
the same when therevnto required And the said John in fact saith
that on the thirteenth day of the month of May Anno Dm One thou-
sand Six hundred & Eighty and in the five and thirtyeth year of the
raigne of our Souraigne Lord Charles the Second of England Scott-
land ffrance and Ireland King Defendt" of ye faith & Att ye request of
the said John Lucom Nicholas Hayward Notary & Tabellion Publiqj