292 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
ceedings in the said Cause might bee sent to his Lopps Justices of
the Provinciall Court aforesaid to have inspeccon thereof, and to
Rendr Judgmt thereon
Afterwards the said Appealant Together wth John Bird and Rich-
ard Warfeild his suretyes allowed of by this Court, came here and
did acknowledge themselves to Stand indebted unto William Surges
Admr of the goods and Chattles of William Jones Phisican deed
intestate in the full or Just sume or Quantity of Three thousand
p. 265
Nine hundred Sixty-Eight pounds of good Tob: and Cascp to bee
Leavyed on theire goods and Chattles Lands and Tenemts to the said
William Burges's use, in case the said Robert Proctor shall not prose-
cute wth Effect his said appeale, and in case Likewise that the said
Proctor shall not satisfy and pay (if the said Judgmt bee Affirmed)
all & singuler the debts damages and Costs Adjudged or to bee
Adjudged Upon the Judgment aforesaid. Unlesse the said Robert
Proctor doe pay the same or Rendr his body to Frisson
Vera Copa Examned by me: Ri: Boughton Clke
Know all men by these prsents that I Robert Proctor of the County
of Ann Arrund" in the Province of Maryland Innholdr. Doe owe
& acknowledge my self to owe and Stand firmely bound and indebted
unto William Jones of the aforesaid County and Province Phisitian
the full & Just Sume or quantity of One thousand Nine hundred
eighty foure pounds of good sound Marchantable Tobacco and
Casq? The wch sume or quantity of Tobacco well and Truely to bee
made I binde mee my heires or assignes unto the said William Jones
his heirs or assignes firmely by these prsents, In witnesse whereof
I doe hereunto sett my hand and seale the 27th day of Aprill 1676
Robt $£ Proctor. (sealed)
Signed sealed & Delivered in ye prsence of :
Robt Gillham: John Bird
Endorsement on the bill written in Doctor Jones owne
hand is as followeth Viz :
Robt Procto" bill for 1984" Tobacco the 27th Ap" 1676 :
100 for Druggs &c:
Recct 335 by Hugh Riley
500 by Tho: Roper
150 by Midill Offly
340 Expences
Rests due: 759 April the 4th 1677
Vera Copa Ric: Boughton: Ct: