Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 287
yeare of our Lord 1679 m Consideracon that the said Kenelm at
the Special Instance and request of the said Stephen (being then
sued in the Provinciall Court of this Province Upon an Accon
of the case by one John Anderson of this Province) would ap-
peare for him the said Stephen in the said accon against him the
said John & him the said Stephen to the best of his Skill and
Knowledge in the Lawe against the same John in the same Suite
defend, the said Stephen did assume Upon himself and to the
Said Kenelm did ffaithfully promise That hee the said Stephen
to him the said Kenelm as Attorneys ffees for the same when
required would Well & truly Content & pay the sume of foure hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco, & the said Kenelm in fact Saith that hee
did appeare for the said Stephen in the said Provinciall Court against
the said John Anderson in the suite aforesaid, & the said Stephen
in the said suite according to the best of his skill and Knowledge in
the Law did defend. Notwithstanding wch the said Stephen the said
Sume of ffoure hundred pounds of Tobacco to him the said Kenelm
hath not payd though often thereunto required, but the same to him
to pay hitherto hath and Still denyes to pay to the Damage of him
the said Kenelme the sume of One thousand pounds of Tobacco, &
thereupon hee bringeth his Suite
And the said Stephen by Robert Carvile his Attorney Cometh
and defendeth the force & Injury When &c and prayeth Liberty to im-
parle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court and It is granted unto
him the same day is given to the plt Likewise
Now here at this day to Witt the Nine and Twentyeth day of
Novembr in the fifth Yeare of the Dominion of the right honoble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 Came the said
Liber W. C.
Kenelm in his prop pson as aforesd and offered himselfe against the
said Stephen in the plea aforesaid but the said Stephen Came not but
made default Therefore Itt is Considered that the said Kenelm
Cheseldyn Recover against the said Stephen Murtey aswell the
aforesaid sume of ffoure hundred pounds of Tobacco debt as also
ffive hundred Eighty foure pounds of Tobacco Costs of suite. & the
said Kenelm may have thereof Execution
p. 260
Henry Hooper
John Merriday
John Merriday late of Dorchestr County planter
was attached to answere unto Henry Hooper of a
plea wherefore W* force & Armes one Messuage
and three hundred Acres of Land in Dorchestr
County aforesaid called Travers his Lott Scituate lyeing and being
on the east side of Chesapeake bay in a Creeke Called Chicchamoco
otherwise Phillips Creeke on the North side of the said Creeke. Be-
gining att a marked Pokiccory Upon the pointe of the devideing of
the Creek and runing North West Upon the North branch of the said
Creeke one hundred and ffifty pches Unto a marked White oake,