274 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
three and Twentyeth day of November then next ffollowing Att wch
said Three and Twentyeth day of November Major William Boare-
man Sheriffe of the County aforesaid made Returne of the writt
aforesaid. That the said James Lewis is not found win his Baliwick
Whereupon the said William Guither by Robert Carvile his Attor-
ney prayed an attachmt against the goods chatties and debts of the
said James Lewis according to Act of Assembly in that case made
and provided, & It is granted unto him by the Court here
John Baker
ag* i
George GunnellJ
I Comand was given to the Sheriffe of st Maryes
County that hee take George Gunnell late of Balte-
more County Chirurgion otherwise Called George
Gunnell of Baltemore County gentl if hee should
bee found in his Baliwick and him safe Keepe Soe that hee have his
body here the three and twentyeth day of November in the ffifth
yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Balte-
more &c Annoq Dominj 1680 to answere unto John Baker in a plea
that hee Render unto him the full and Just Quantity of one thousand
Six hundred thirty one pounds of good Sound Marchantable Tobacco
p. 247
and Caske w0"1 to him hee [oweth] Att wch said Three and Twentyeth
day of November John Stansby Sheriffe of the County aforesaid
made Returne of the writt aforesd that the said George Gunnell is
not found wttin his baliwick but is fled out of the Province Where-
upon the Sayd John Baker by Robert Ridgely his Attorney prayed
an Attachmt against the goods chatties and debts of the Sayd George
Gunnell according to act of Assembly in that Case made and Pro-
vided, And It is granted by the Court here.
Henry Exon
George GunnellJ
Comand was given to the sheriffe of St Maryes
County that hee take George Gunnell otherwise
Called George Gunnell of Baltemore County Chi-
rureion if hee should bee found in Your baliwick
and him safe Keepe soe that hee have his body here the three and
Twentyeth day of November in the Sixth yeare of the Dominion
of the Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj
1680 to answere unto Henry Exon in a plea that hee Rendr unto
him the full Sume and Just Quantity of Two Thousand Seaventy
one pounds of Tobacco wch to him hee oweth & Unjustly Detaineth.
Att wth Said three and Twentyeth day of November Major William
Boareman Sheriffe of the County aforesaid made Returne of the
writt aforesaid that the said George Gunnell is not found in his
baliwick Whereupon the said Henry Exon by Robert Ridgely his
Attorney prayed an Attachmt against the goods chatties and debts
of the said George Gunnell according to Act of Assembly in that
case made and provided. & It is Granted by the Court here