262 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
(5) Fifthly the said Judgmt is Erronious in this That the
sd Defts haveing also Unjustly being Contrary to Law,
payd to Major Ringold for Wheate delivered to the de-
ceaseds Widdow, the sume of One thousand pounds of
Tobacco as by their accot May appeare wch is an inferior
debt to the plts wch must bee Assets in their hands ........
p. 235
And therefore the said plts prayes the Said Judgmt may bee Re-
versed & had for Nothing, and that hee the said plt as to all things
by him sustained by reason of the Judgmt aforesaid may bee Re-
stored, the said Admrs haveing asets in their hands to the Vallue of
Eleaven thousand ffif ty nine pounds of Tobacco as above may appeare
Wch Reasons aforesaid being Read and heard, It seemeth to the
Justices here That the same Reasons are insufficient in Law to
arrest Judgmt Upon the Verdict of the Jurors aforesaid, Therefore
It is Considered that the said Archibold Arthur take nothing by his
writt but bee in Mercy for his false plaint thereon, and that the
said Defts may goe from thence wthout day, and alsoe that the
said Josias Lenham and James Balderstone Doe Recover against
the said Archibold Arthur the Sume of Seaven hundred Eighty
ffoure pounds of Tobacco for their Costs and Charges by them
about their defence in this behalfe Laid out and Expended, and the
said Josias and James May have thereof Execution
John Harris
George GunnellJ
George Gunnell late of Baltemore County other-
kvise called George Gunnell of the County of Balte-
more Chirurgion was Sumoned to answer unto
John Harris of the Citty of London Maryner of a
plea that hee Render unto him the Sume of Twelve Thousand
Nine hundred seaventy Six pounds of Tobacco wch to him hee oweth
and Unjustly detaineth
And Whereupon the said John by Robert Carvile his Attorney
Sayth, That Whereas the said George upon the ninth day of October
in the Yeare of our Lord 1678 by his Certaine bond or writeing
obligatory Sealed wth the Seale of him the said George and here in
Court produced whose date is the day and Yeare aforesaid, Did
acknowledge himself to bee holden and firmely bounden unto the
said John Harris in the full sume and Just Quantity of Twelve
Thousand Nine hundred Seaventy six pounds of good Sound well
Condiconed Tobacco and Casq? To bee paid to the said John Harris
or to his Certaine Attorney Exrs or Admrs, Yet Notwstanding the
said George the said Sume of Twelve thousand Nine hundred Seav-
enty Six pounds of Tobacco to him the said John according to the