Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 237
unto Robt Ridgely gentl one of the Attorneys of this Court who
for the Right honoble the Lord Propry in that behalf prosecuted in a
plea of Trespas Upon the Case, On wch said Eleaventh day of May
John White sheriffe of the County aforesaid made Returne of the
writt aforesaid That by Vertue thereof hee hath attached in the
hands of Thomas Walker of Somersett County gentt the sume of
seaventeene pounds five shillings and Tenn pence sterl of the proper
Monyes of the said John Longden
Liber W. C.
Samll Holdsworth"
Edwd Husbands
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of Calvert
County that hee take Edward Husbands late of
Calvert County Chirurgeon if hee should bee
found in his baliwick and him safe Keepe, Soe
that hee have his body here the Eleaventh day of May in the
ffifth Ytare of the Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 to answere unto Samll Holds-
worth in a plea of Trespas Upon the Case, on wch said Eleaventh
day of May Capt Richard Ladd Sheriffe of the County aforesaid
made Returne of the writt aforesaid, That the said Edward Hus-
bands is not found win his baliwick, Whereupon the said Samll by
Robert Ridgely his Attorney prayed an attachment against the goods
Chattles and debts of the said Edward Husbands according to Act
of Assembly in that Case made and Provided. And Itt is granted
by the Court here.
Edwd Tarleton
John Quigley
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes
County that hee take John Quigley otherwise Called
John Quigley of the Citty of St Maryes in the
Province of Maryland gentt if hee should bee
found in his baliwick. and him Safe Keepe Soe that hee have his
body here the Eleaventh day of May in the ffifth Yeare of the
Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Dominj 1680 To answere unto Edwd Tarleton of a plea that he
Rendr unto him the full & Just Quantity of One thousand nine hun-
dred forty and one pounds of Tobacco. wch to him hee oweth and
Unjustly detaineth. on wch said Eleaventh day of May Major Wil-
liam Boarman Sheriffe of the County aforesayd made Returne of
the writt aforesaid, in these words following, Viz, Non Est In-
ventus) whereupon the said Edward Tarleton by Nehemiah Blackis-
ton his Attorney prayed an attachment against the goods Chattles
and debts of the sd Jno Quigley According to Act of Assembly in
that Case made and Provided, And Itt is Granted by the Court here.
p. 211
Benja Rozer Esqr
John Quigley
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes
County that of the goods and Chattles of John
Quigley if they Should bee found in his baliwick
hee should Cause to bee made aswell the Sume