230 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
Thomas Knightorf
Robert Peca
This accon in Ejectmt abates Joseph Taylor
Lessor to ye plt being Dead
Mary Eaton
Vincent Lowe Esqr
This accon abates the plt being dead :
Lydia Solley
Collen Mackensy
This Cause being upon a writt of Error is Con-
tinued untill next Court
Christopher Rousby Esqr
qui p Domino Rege &c
Robt Carvile
This accon is Continued p Consent untill
next Court
Thomas Parker
James Clayland
Thomas Vaughan sheriffe of Talbott County have-
ing formerly Returned a Cepi in this Cause and the
deft not appearing this Court the same sheriffe is
Amerced forty shillings ster, And it is Ordered
yt hee have ye defts body here att ye next Court
John Bawdon
Jno Quigley
The same
The same
These two Causes are struck off from the Docquett
Neither ph nor deft appearing
Jno Peirce Exr Jno Peirce
Thomas Gant J.
Jno Whittington
Jno Evans
These Two accons are agreec
p. 204
George Parker
Joseph Tilley
The plt haveing Comenced an accon of Defamacon
agt the deft, the deft appeared in his pp pson and
acknowledged in open Court that hee did the plt
Wrong in speaking the English words menconed
in the declaration, and also did oblige himself to satisfie and pay tne.
Costs and Charges for the Comeing goeing and attendance of the
plts Witnesses that were sumoned to prove the declaracon aforesaid.
And thereupon the plt withdrew his Accon:
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