Liber W. C.
are dilligently to Enquire by whome the trespasse aforesaid is
Comitted, if any bee found to bee Comitted and what damages the
plt on Whome the trespasse aforesaid (if any shall bee found to bee
Comitted) hath sustained by occasion thereof, and of the ffelling
Cutting downe and Carrying away the trees aforesaid, and to Re-
turne a Certificate of his proceedings herein and a faire Plott of
the ptts Land to the Next Provinciall Court to bee held att ye Citty
of St Maryes the fifth day of October next Attested aswell undr
the hand and Seale of the said Rando Brandt as of the Sheriffe and
Juro" aforesaid, that soe his Lopps Justices being fully informed of
the truth of the prmisses may doe therein as to Justice shall apptaine