Liber W. C.
and others to the Vallue of three Thousand pounds of Tobacco But
upon Request of John Lemarre Del* hee produceing his Pattent for
his Land in Court and Averring Itt to bee oldest, the said Accon is
Continued by Order of this Court untill next Court, That the said
John Lemarre may peure a Special Warrant from his Lopp to have
his Land Runn out according to the said Lemarres Request, Wch
hee doth Engage in Court to gett Done by the next Court and
Returne a Certificate of Survey undr the Surveyors hand.
Att a Court held in Charles County for the Rt honoble Charles
Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Maryland &c
before his Lopps Justices of the said County on the
Twentieth day of January Annoq Dom. 1679
Mr John Stone] Capt Ignatius Causeene
Prsent Comission"
Mr Robt Henly Capt Wm Barton
Maryland ss :
John Lemarre of Charles County in the Province of Maryland
Chyrurgion Was attached to Answere unto George Godfrey of the
said County and Province of a plea of Trespas of the Case ;
Whereupon, the said George Godfrey by George Thompson his
Attorney saith, That the said Lemarre in the moneth of ffebruary in
the yeare of our Lord 1678 into the woods of the said Godfrey
Lyeing in Charles County on st Thomases Creeke Comonly Called
Portobacco Creeke, Contrary to his Lopps Rule & dignity and the
publique peace of this Province, by force and Armes did Come, and
then and there Eight of the said Godfreys Timber Trees wth Axes
did fall Cut off and wth Mall and Wedges Did into peeces Splitt
and Carry away, and to his owne proper use and behoof e Convert the
said Eight Timber Trees, to ye Damage of the said Godfrey to the
Vallue of Two thousand five hundred pounds of Tobacco, and there-
upon hee brings his suite
And the said John Lemarre by Henry Bonner his Attorney Comes
& Defends the force and Injury when &c and saith that hee is not
guilty of the Transgression Writhin menconed, and of this hee puts
himselfe upon the Country And the said George Godfrey by George
Thompson his Attorney Likewise Whereupon a Venire facias was
Issued forth to the Sheriffe to Impannell a Jury Who Returned
this Ensueing Pannell
fforeman — Thomas Hussy] John Boyce
Giles Collier ljno Clarke
James Wheeler] Jno GodshallJ
Tho. Craxtonel Henry Hawkins]
Wm Taylor Lwm Wells Uuro™
Hen. Hardy J Hugh ffrench