Liber W. C.
proprietary may have three thousand pounds of Tobacco or Twenty
pounds sterling for his moyety, And the said Abraham Blagg who
as well &c the other Three thousand pounds of Tobacco or twenty
pounds sterling for his moyety, And Itt is further ordered that the
aforesaid Abraham Blagg May Recover against the said Gerrard
Slye his treble Damages sustained by occasion of the premisses
Amounting to the sume of seaven thousand Eight hundred and sixty
pounds oi tobacco according to the forme of the Act aforesaid,
And also one thousand forty Two pounds of Tobacco Costs of
suite, And the said Defendt may be taken
Mr Carvile
21 June 1680
I understand there is Judgmt obtained by Abraham Blagg Who
aswell on my behalfe as on his own hath prosecuted upon breach
of the Act Concerning officers ffees, agt Gerrard Slye late Sheriffe
of St Maryes County, I doe hereby Lycence you as you were At-
torney for the said Blagg in the Informacdn to Sue out Execution
for the whole penalty, aswell due to mee the said Blagg, and this
Shall bee yor warrant
To Robert Carvile one of the C Baltemore
Attornyes of the Provll Court