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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 213

the statute aforesaid, And that the said Gerrard may Come here into
Court and Answere the Premisses
And the said Gerrard Slye by Christopher Rousby his Attorney
specially Admitted by the favour of this Court Cometh and de-
fendeth the force & Injury when &c and Prayeth Liberty to Imparle
hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & Itt is granted unto him, The
same day is given to the plt alsoe,
Now here att this day to witt the fourteenth day of May in the
ffifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq?
Domini 1680, Came the sd partyes by theire Attornyes aforesaid,
and the said Gerrard by his said Attorny Prayeth hearing of the
said Information, and Itt is Read unto him, Wch being read and
by him Understood the said Gerrard Complaineth him by Collour
of the prmisses to bee greivously molested, and that unjustly, And
that the said Information & the matters therein Contained are Ut-
terly uncertaine Imperfect and Insufficient in the Lawe. To wch hee
the said Gerrard is not obleiged by the Lawe of the Land to make
answere unto, and therefore the said Gerrard Prayeth Judgment of
the writt and Information aforesaid
( I ) ffirst for that Itt is sayd in the same Inf ormacon That the said
Gerrard Slye the 4th day of Aprill 1678 Did demand Receive and
take from the said Abraham Blagg the sumes following for ffees
due to him the said Gerrard, and by him prtended to bee pd to seavll
officers Viz ffor Impannelling a Jury 240lb Tobacco, sumoneing
the Evidences 720lb Tobacco Officers ffees 988lb Tobacco, To the
Cryer for the Jury 288lb Tobacco swearing the Evidences 144lb
Tobacco, and to the Jury 240lb Tobacco, But it is not Expressly and
particularly sett Downe What ffees or sumes of Tobacco hee the
said Gerrard Received as due to himselfe as sheriffe, And what is
pretended to bee Due to other officers And as to what is said to bee
prtended to bee due to or paid to officers Wherewth the said Gerrard
is Promiscuously Charged as aforesaid, The said Gerrard sayth that
the same is not sufficiently warranted by the Act for Limitacon of
officers ffees, for that the said Act sayth noe officer or officers by
Collour of his or theire office or offices Shall haue receive or take
any other ffees &c, but the Receiveing and takeing of ffees by a
sheriffe due to other officers and soe declared to bee Cannot bee
understood to bee taken by Collour of the Sheriffes office, but rather
by Collour of such officers office or offices to whome such ffee or
ffees are said to bee due, and therefore the same is not wthin Compas
of the said Act for Limitacon of officers ffees
(2) The said Informer in his said Informacon saith the said
Gerrard Received for officers ffees 988lb Tobacco, but doth not
name the said officers or Expresse what office or offices they held
or what Court or Courts they belonged to, and Itt is not unlawfull
for sheriffes (any more then other persons) to demand and Collect
other officers ffees (wth theire Consents) and If the same happen

Liber W. C.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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