Liber W. C.
And Whereupon the said Gerard Slye by Christopher Rousby his
Attorney saith, that whereas the said Michael Miller the twenty
seaventh day of ffebruary 1677 By his certaine Writeing obligatory
sealed wth the seale of him the said Michael here in Court pduced
whose date is the same day and yeare above written, Did acknowl-
edge himselfe to bee holden and ffirmely bound unto the above named
Richard Chilman in the full & Just quantity of Twenty foure thou-
sand pounds of good Sound Marchantable Tobacco in Caske to bee
paid to the said Richard or to his Certaine Attorney his Exrs admrs
or assignes, to wch payment well and truly to bee made. Hee the said
Michael did binde himselfe his heires Execut" and adminst" ffirmely
by these prsents Neverthelesse the said Michael Miller the said sume
of twenty ffoure thousand pounds of tobacco unto him the said
p. 135
Richard Chillman in his lifetime, or unto the said Gerrard Slye to
whome Admon of all the goods and Chattells wch were of the said
Richd Chillman att the time of his death, by the honoble Philip Cal-
vert Esqr Comissary generall since his Death hath been comitted,
though often thereunto required have not payd, but the same to pay
hath refused and still doth refuse in hinderance of the administracon
aforesaid Whereupon the said Gerrard sayth hee is the worse and
hath losse to the vallue of thirty thousand pounds of tobacco And
thereupon hee bringeth his suite
And the said Gerrard Slye bringeth here in Court his Lettrs of
Adcon whereby itt may appeare to the Court here that he is Right-
full Admr as aforesaid And the said Michael Miller by Robert
Ridgely his Attorney cometh & defendeth the fforce and Injury
when &c. and prayeth the hearing of the said writeing obiigatory
and itt is read unto him hee also prayeth hearing of the Condicon
of the said Writeing obligatory and it is read unto him in those
words, viz The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above
bounden Michael Miller doe and shall well & truly pay or cause to
bee well & truly paid and delivered unto the said Richard Chillman
or his assignes, the Just & ffull sume of & quantity of three thousand
pounds of good sound well condiconed Neate porke and three thou-
sand pounds of good sound well Condiconed Bee f e salted in Caske
Conveniently upon Kent Island Between the tenth of October and
the five and twentieth day of December next Ensueing the date
hereof, and produce sufficient testimony that the said Meate did
weigh the ffull contents abovesaid before the same was salted &
Caskt, Then this obligacon to bee voyd or else to stand in full force
Wch being read and heard the said Michael Miller by his said At-
torney prayeth liberty to imparle hereunto untill next provinciall
Court and itt is granted unto him. the same day is given to the
plt also
Att wch said next Provinciall Court came the said partyes by
there Attornyes aforesaid And the said Michael Miller by his said
Attorney saith, that the aforesaid Gerrard Slye his accon aforesaid