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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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14 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.

Liber W. C.

tiffe likewise Therefore itt is comanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes
County that he cause to come here twelve &c by whom &c and who
neither &c to recognize &c because as well &c on which said thirteenth
day of Octobr in the yeare aforesaid came the said parties by their
Attorneys aforesaid And the jurors impannelled being called like-
wise came to witt Edward Inglish, Wm Collins, John Haslevvood,
Jacob Loton, Cornelius Comegijs, Richard Baily, Wm Cole, John
Askin, Samuell Goosey, Symon Sprackling, Emanuel Ratcliffe &
Edward Dorsey who being Elected tryed & sworne to say the truth
in the prmisses upon their Oaths doe say, that the said Charles Gos-

p. 14

fright in his life tyme did assume & promise in manner And forme
at the plaintiffe hath above declared And they assesse the damage
of the said plaintiffe to foure thousand ninety foure pounds of
tobacco Therefore itt is considered that the said Michael Taney
recover against the said Richard Marsham & George Lingham Exrs
as aforesaid as well the Sume of foure thousand ninety foure pounds
of tobacco damages by the jurors aforesaid in forme aforesaid as-
sessed As also Nine hundred Seventy two pounds of tobacco cost of
suite And the Defendts in mercy &c

Michael Taney

Gosfrights Execrs

Richard Marsham & George Lingham late of
Calvert County Execrs of the last Will & testamt
of Charles Gosfright late of Calvert County de-
ceased were Attached to answer unto Michael

Taney of a plea of trespas upon the case.

And whereupon the said Michael Taney by Charles Boteler his
Attorney complaineth, that whereas the said Charles Gosfright upon
the tenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six
hundred Seventy & seven, in considracon that the said Michael
Taney would att the speciall instance & request of the said Charles
take severall bills of several persons for tobacco due to him the said
Charles in the name of him the said Charles Gosfright, And also
would shipp severall hogsheads of tobacco on board Capt Webber,
And also would weigh marke naile & receive Seventy five hogsheads
of the tobacco of the said Charles Gosfright And also would board
& accomodate att his house the said Charles Gosfright & his man &
severall other persons retayners to the said Charles And also in
consideracon that the said Michael would be assistant to him the
said Charles in setling his Accompts & attending him in his last
sicknes, & doe severall other things for him the said Charles a par-
ticuler, whereof is here in Court produced, the said Charles did
assume upon himselfe & to the said Michael did faithfully promise,
that he the said Charles when thereunto required would well & truely
content & pay unto the said Michael such a Sume of tobacco as he
the said Michael should reasonably deserve to haue for his paines &
labour therein And the said Michael in fact saith that trusting to the


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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