Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 131
Tho: Taillor Esqr
Jno Desiardins
Josias Lenham & James Balderstone late of Kent
County Admrs of the Goods & Chattles of John
Desiardins deceased were Surhoned to Answer
unto Thomas Taillor Esqr of a plea that they
render unto him the full & just Sume of two
Liber W. C.
thousand six hundred Sixty two pounds of good sound Mrchantable
tobacco & caske which from him they unjustly detaine
And whereupon the said Thomas Taillor by George Parke[r] his
Attorney saith, that whereas the said John Desiardin[s] in his life
tyme to witt the twenty ninth day of March One thousand six hun-
dred Seventy seven, by his certaine bill obligatory sealed with the
Seale of him the said John Desiardins & here in Court produced,
whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid, did binde himselfe his heyres
Exec Admrs or assignes to pay or cause to be paid unto Col
Thom [as] Taillor Esqr or his certaine Attorney the full & just
Sume of two thousand six hundred sixty two pounds of good sound
Merchantable tobacco & caske to containe the same in some con-
venient place in Cecil or Kent County upon all demands afte[r]
the tenth day of October next ensuing the date of the same bill Yett
the said John Desiardins in his life tyme, nor the said Josias Lenham
& James Balderstone to whom Letters of Administration since the
death of the said John Desiardins hath bin comitted, the same Sume
of two thousand six hundred sixty two pounds of tobacco to him the
said Thomas according to the tenour of the said bill obligatory al-
though often thereunto required hath not paid, but the same to pay
hath denyed and as yet yet doth deny, whereupon the said Thomas
saith that hee is the worse & hath losse to the Value of five thousand
pets of tobacco, & thereupon he bringeth his suite
And the said John & James by Robert Ridgely his Attorney com-
eth & defend the force & injury when &c & pra[y] liberty to imparle
hereunto untill next Provintiall Court, itt is granted unto them, the
same day is given to the plt also
Att which next Provinciall Court to witt the nineteenth day of
ffebruary in the fifth year of the Dominion of the right Honble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 167 [9] Came the said
parties by their Attorneys aforesaid And the said John & James by
their said Attorney say, that the said plt his action aforesaid against
them ought not to haue, because they say, that they have fully
Administred all & singuler the Goods Chattles & Creditts which
were of the said John Desiardins att the tyme of his death in their
hands to be Administred of, nor any Goods & Chattles unadministred
in their hands had of the deceased's att the tyme of the plts sueing
out the originall writt upon this action, nor att any tyme afterwards
And this they are ready to averr, And thereupon demand judgmt if
the aforesaid plt his action aforesaid against them ought to have
And the said Thomas Taillor by his said Attorney saith, that he
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