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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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128 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.

Liber W. C.

aforesaid more then fforty, ffor the account of the said ffreighter
as aforesaid And it was further agreed by and between the said
parties, that if any or either of the said passengers should happen
to dye in the passage aforesaid then (in such case) there bee onely
halfe ffreight paid after the rate aforesaid for the passenger or
passengers that should Dye, And further that the said Marchant his
ffactor or assignes Who should put the said passengers on board at
Corke as aforesaid should pay unto the said Master his Executors
or assignes on Demand for the Dyetting of each passenger dureing
the time the said shipp should stay there upon the said ffreighters
Account untill she were Dispatched by the said ffreighter in Ireland
after the rate of Eighteene pence for each passenger p weeke accord-
ing as they might come on board, and receive dyett as by the said
Indenture of Charter party more fully appeareth, And the said

p. 115

James Bennett & William Dolbury ffurther say, that although the
said James and William have performed all and singular the Cove-
nants grants and agreements in the Indenture of Charter party
aforesaid above specified on theire parts to be ffulfilled performed
and Kept according to the forme and Effect of the said Indent
And by protesting that the said Edmond Dwyer nor the said Thomas
Taylor for whome and on whose behalfe the said Edmond Dwyer
did Covenant as aforesaid hath not fulfilled performed and kept
any of the Covenants grants or agreements in the Indenture above
Specified on theire part to be pformed fulfilled and Kept, In ffact
the said James Bennett and William Dolbury say, That after make-
ing the Indenture aforesaid and before the time of bringing the
accon of them the said James and William, that is to say immeadiately
after the thirtieth day of August in the yeare of our Lord one
thousand six hundred seaventy eight, Did with all expedicon well
and sufficiently trim ffitt furnish Victuall Mann and prpare the said
shipp for to prosecute the Voyage aforesaid And that hee the said
Master and Company with the sd shipp soe sufficiently ffitted Vict-
ualled ffurnished and prepaired did proceed and Sayle the said shipp
from the Port of poole where then she was with all Convenient Ex-
pedicon directly as Winde and Weather Would pmitt into Corke in
Ireland And there to stay tenn Lawfull working dayes if desired
by the said ffreighter or assignes, to receive on board all such pas-
sengers as the said freighter or his ffactors or assignes should order
to bee there putt on board, and then after the said Tenn Lawfull
working dayes, from the said shipps first arivall as winde and
weather should permitt Did proceed and sayle the said shipp & as
soone as the said Master did end his businesse there from thence
directly did Sayle unto Chaptancke in the County of Dorchester in
this Province of Maryland and Did tender and deliver all such
passengers as the said Edmond shipped on board the said shipp unto

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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