Att a Provinciall Court held att the City of St Maryes the seventh
day of October in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Right
Honble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq? Doni One thousand six
hundred Seventy nine, and there continued untill the sixteenth day
of the same Month, on which said Seventh day of Octobr were prsent
Liber W. C.
The Honble
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelour
Wm Calvert Esqr Principall Secretary
Vincent Lowe Esqr Surveyor Genll
Lievtenant Col Henry Darnall
Nic: Painter Cl
Thomas Bland
Peter Pagan
Peter Pagan of London Marryner ats Peter Pagan
of the Province of Maryland Mrchant was Attached
to Answer unto Thomas Bland one of the Attor-
neys of the Provinciall Court according to the lib-
ertyes and priviledges of such like Attorneys & other Officers of
the said Court used and allowed of a plea of trespas upon the case.
And whereupon the said Thomas Bland in his proper person saith,
that whereas the said Peter Pagan the twenty third day of October
one thousand six hundred Seventy six att Severne river in the County
of Ann Arundell att the dwelling house of the said Thomas Bland,
in consideracon that the said Thomas Bland would permitt & suffer
one certaine Robert Peake Mrchant to come on Shoare to the
said Blands house with a Cargoe of sundry Goods Wares Mrchan-
dize[s] and Comodityes together with Eight Servants, & furnish
the said Robert Peake with a store to sell the said Goods in and
accomodacon of dyet & lodging for the said Eight Servants untill
such tyme as they should be disposed of. And also provide & finde
for the said Robert Peake sufficient dyett washing & lodging dure-
ing such tyme as he should keepe store att the house of the said Bland
And also furnish and sell unto the said Peter one Ox for provisions
for his Seam [en] and one boate about fourteene foot by the Keele,
the said Peter did assume upon himselfe & to the said Thomas did
faithfully promise, that he the said Peter for the storeidg[e] of the
said Robert, and also the dyet & accomodacon of the said Robert
whilst he should keepe store att his house And the said Eight Serv-
ants untill they should be disposed of And also for the said ox &
boate to him the said Thomas what the same should be worth and
reasonably deserve, he the said Peter when thereunto required would
well & truely the said Thomas for the same content & pay And the
said Thomas in fact saith, that trusting to the promise & assumpcon
of him the said Peter to him the said Thomas in this behalf e soe
aforesaid made, the day & yeare aforesaid att the dwelling house