46 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
Tho: Sprigg
Edward Man
Henry Hooper
Tho: Snell Adr
Jno Cornish
The Defendts by Wm Crosse their Attorney ap-
peare & imparle untill next Court
p. 717
Upon the peticon of Wm Upton, that he was a Servant by Inden-
ture to one John Price of London Marryner, who sold him to one
John Morrice of Barbados for three yeares according to the tenour
of his Indenture, who afterwards sold him to Thomas Doxey of
St Maryes County & by him was sold to John Doxey his now Master,
That he hath casually lost his Indenture so that his Master (although
his terme of three yeares is expired) will not discharge him And
therfore humbly prayed to be discharged, & an ordr of this Court for
his freedome Corne & Cloaths. Whereupon & upon Oath, made in
open Court that there was such Indenture as aforesaid Itt is the
judgemt of the Court here this day to witt the twelfth day of Octobr
in the third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltimore &c
Annoq Doni 1678 that the said Wm Upton is free And itt is ordered
that the said John Doxey pay unto the said Wm his freedom Corne
and Cloaths according to Act of Assembly
Mary Roe Exx
Edwd Roe
Jno Ingram
Upon mocon made to the Court here this day to
witt the ffifteenth day of October in the third yeare
of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c
Annoq Doni 1678 by Robert Carvile the Attorney
of Mary Roe Execx of the last Will & testamt of
Edward Roe deceased that a former order of this Court made upon
an Attachmt returned to this Court against the Estate of John
Ingram att the suite of the said Mary being out of date And the
tyme therein lymitted for proceeding according to the contents thereof
against the severall persons in whose hands the debts due to Ingram
doe remaine & Attached as aforesaid And for giveing security as in
the said order is menconed being elapsed, did humbly crave that the
said Order might be continued for one whole yeare longer, which
was accordingly ordered by the Court here
Costs allowed Wittnesses
Allowed to Edward Turner for comeing goeing & attendance to
give in his Evidence for Wm Singleton att the suite of Richard
Lloyd in all Eight dayes att thirty pounds of tobacco p diem, two
hundred & forty pounds of tobacco