Abbot, George v. Charles James, 219, 247, 253.
Abbot, Samuel, ats. Garret Vansweringen, 23-24 ;
sec also Slye, Gerard, v. Symon Reider;
Archives LXVII.
Addison, John, v. Richard Hodgson, 147, 253.
ats. the Proprietary, 165, 268.
Addison, Jno:, & [Addison, Rebecca,] ux., extrx.
Thos. Dent, exr. Henry Hull, ats. John
Paty, 69-70, 268; see also Archives
LXVII, 214.
Addison, John, Cordea, Marke, &, ats. the Pro-
prietary, 131-132.
Addison, John, exr. Nicholas Proddy, ats. Tho:
Carlisle, Wm. [i.e., John] Watson, et al.,
exr. Cunningham, 15, 83, 229, 258; see also
Archives LXVII.
[Addison, Rebecca,] ux., extrx. Thos. Dent, exr.
Henry Hull, Addison, Jno:, &, ats. John
Paty, 69-70; see also Archives LXVII,
Aglionby, Christopher, v. Jno Blomfield, 223-224,
Allen, Samuell, v. John Garnis, 199-200, 253.
Alvey, Pope, ats. Robert Carvile, 147, 190, 258.
ats. Kenelm Cheseldyn, 140, 258.
ats. Emanuel Ratcliffe, adr. Daniel, 151,
Anderson, John, ats. Henry Darnall, 55, in, 161,
Archer, Peter, v. Henry Cole, I, 233; see also
Archives LXVII.
Arthur, Archibald, v. Josias Lenhatn & Jas. Bal-
derstone, admrs. Jno: Desiardins, 228, 253.
Ascomb, Charles, v. Wm. Boarman, 59, 144,
221, 253.
Atkey, John, ats. Robert Edmonds, 65-67, 260;
see also Archives LXVII, 315-316.
John, ats. Edward Man, 42, 85, 163, 240,
Attwood v. Jorden, 253.
Attwood, Richard, v. Marke Cordea, 43, 89, 253.
Avery Exr. Avery v. Cosden & ux., Admr.
Brooke, 253.
Aylward, John, v. Tho: Clarke, 42, 97-98, 253.
Bacon, Josiah, v. John Edmondson, 62-63, 255 ;
see also Archives LXVII, 239, 314.
Baily, Richard, ats. John Edmondson & Francis
Whitwell, 177, 260.
ats. Tho: Marsh, 37-38, 266.
Baker, John, v. Michael Miller, 57, 112, 194, 246,
Baker, Roger, v. Margarett Gittings, extrx. Jno :
Gittings, 55, 81, ill, 120, 159, 243, 255-
Balderstone, Jas., Lenham, Josias, &, admrs.
Jno: Desiardins, ats. Archibald Arthur,
228, 253.
ats. John Owne, 228.
ats. Tho: Tailor, Esqr., 227, 273.
Ball, Richard, v. Bernard Johnson, xvii, 57-59,
152-153, 226- 255; see also Archives
LXVII, xxi-xxiii, 422-424.
Bankes, Richard, v. Henry Jowles & [Sybell
( ————— ) Groome Jowles,] ux., extrx.
Wm. Groome, 52-54, 255; see also Ar-
chives LXVII, 434, 454-455-
Bankes, Tho :, ats. Robert Carvile, 165, 25.8.
Barnes, Ambrose, Taillor, Michael, &, v. Tho:
Price, 165, 273.
Barnes, John, v. Marke Cordea, adr. Saml.
Brockust, 226, 255.
ats. James Collins, 31, 258.
ats. Cuthbert Scott, 221, 272.
Barrett, Sarah, ats. John Edmondson, 146, 190,
Basey, Michael, v. Tho: Cooke, 31, 255.
Bateman, Wm., admr. Christopher Andrews, ats.
Henry Stocket[t] & James Stavely, exrs.
Nathl. Stiles, 10, 272.
Bathurst, Cha: & ffurnis, Nicholas, ats. Morgan
Jones, 138, 197-198, 239, 264.
Bayard, Peter, & Luke, Egidius, v. Abigail
Wright, admrx. Arthur Wright, 15, 85,
163, 255; see also Archives LXVII, 432.
Beaman, John, v. Philip Lynes, 228, 255.
Bearcroft, John, v. Wm Wells, 226, 247, 255.
v. /eane (Jane) Williams, admx. Wm.
Williams, 145, 198-199, 255.
Beard, Richard, ats. Wm. Yate & ux., 139, 275.
Bennet, Tho:, ats. Tho: Carlisle et al., exrs.
John Cunningham, 43, 105-107, 258.
Bennett, Henry, ats. Richard Edelen, 225, 260.
Binkes, Thomas, ats. the Proprietary, 71, 255 ;
see also Archives LXVII, 248.
Blackball, Ralph, ats. John Quigley, xvi, 18-19;
see also Archives LXVI, 63, 283, 304.
Blagg, Ahram, v. Wm Wells, 226, 255.
Blakiston, Nehemiah, v. Peter Ceely, admr. Tho :
Ceely, 149.
v. Peter Ceely, admr. Tho: Ceely, 149.
v. Thomas Ceely, 227.
v. Wm. Goddard, 229, 255.
v. Wm. Hailes, 137, 255.
v. Edward Husbands, 56, 121-126, 255.
v. Wm. Rosewell, 138, 225, 246, 255.
Bland, Thomas, v. Edward Dorsey, 15, 49, 59,
80, 144, 159, 194, 249, 255; see also
Archives LXVII, 432.
v. Edwd. Dorsey, 159, 250.
v. Richd. Hill, 20-21, 255; see also Ar-
chives LXVII, 432.
v. Peter Pagan, 147, 194, 255.
v. Robt. Proctor, 62, in, 268.
v. Adam Shipley, 20; see also Archives
LXVII, 432.
Bland, Tho: & ux., ats. Edward Dorsey & ux.,
56, 101, 159, 250, 259, 260.
Blangy, Lewis, & [Blangy, Mary,] ux., admx.
Disborah Bennet, v. Tho: [Bright] Brite,
49, 90, 255.
ats. Wm. Dare, 2, 259; see also Archives
LXVII, 209, 277, 430.
[Blangy, Mary,] ux., admrx. Disborah Bennet,
Blangy, Lewis, &, v. Tho: [Bright] Brite,