Lingham & Marsham execrs~
Gosfright & Taney app and ... 884
imparl .................
Leach and Murphe continued! g
Lowe & Quigley Idem.........../ " ™
Lewis and Grey Contin......... 894
Lane & Gosfrights Exrs Non-
suite ....................... 901
Marshall agt Vansweringen
judgmt ..................... 13
Mountfort & Hatton order in
Ejectment ................... 18
Moy & Wells judgmt............ 22
Murty & Hill judgmt............. 26
Marloe Will™ Comitted to the
sheriff of s* Maryes........... 27
Millington & Beckwith Judgm'.. 32
Moy & Mitchelll
Beale ..... Vabate ......... 44
Adams ...
Beale abate ............. 47
Mande & Bayly cont ............ 51
Moy & Bonner")
SSrUte.......... 53
Simpson J
Moll & Worgan 2 sher. amer &
cont .................... 54
Hemsley cont "j
Anthony Wright 2\. k . 54
George Robbins .. /agreed
Vincent Atcheson discont...... 57
Murty & Cressy abate .......... 58
Moore & Dixon order attach'..... 66
Moy Exx Moy &
Benson & Lad...
Burgess .....
Adams ....
Gunby .... >abate ....... 71
Matthews ...
Mitchell ...
Decosta .....
Burage .....
Bonner "1
Pritchett Vabate ......... 72
Swinsen j
Murty & O Neale attachm* r. &
cont ........................ 75
Maline & Gingold sher amer
nisi ........................ 75
Moyes Exrs & Gunnell Sp: Baile
& cont ...................... 92
Moll & Hemsley cont. p Consent ... 94
Worgan sher reamer...... 95
Murty & O Neale!
Maline & Ringold J cont - 97
Montague adm* & Kenimont app.
& imple ..................... 101
Morgan & Besciphers agreed \
Machen & Jones app. & imple J ' '
Moys Exrs & Dare agreed........ 103
Jones admr Charlesworth
app. & imple 2........... 103
Marsh & vtie app. & imple ...... 104
Moyes Ex" & Jones admr
Harrington ................. 105
Moll John Lett: att. to
Robotham .................. 126
Mande & Bayly judgmt.......... 136
Mansfield & Quigley judgmt.... 166
Mulreine Danll pet. & judgmt y* he
is free ...................... 172
Mann Ed: w' A«............... 181
Mo" Hlosltyan2Keed--- ^
Moyes Exrs & Sayer judgmt.... 190
Moll & Hemsley cont............ 193
Marty & O Neale discont........ 195
Machen & Jones agreed......... 196
Maguyh & Ringold cont......... 199
Montague & Kenimont non-
suite ....................... 204
Moffett Wm Councell assigned in
forma pauperis .............. 204
Maude & Bayly r: ca: fa :...... 206
Moyes Exrs & Jones admr
Charlesworth judgt .......... 207
the same ............... 208
Meekins & insley order upper
house & ordr Ex.............. 220
Moyes Exrs & Jones admr Har-
rington cont ................ 222
Gunnell judgmt ......... 224
Magrowder & Gwyn agreed...... 225
Marsh & Currer order Ha: fa:
poss: ....................... 228
Moyes Ex™ & Baker agreed....... 233
Mann & Delaroch app. & irapH
Moyes Ex" Phipps \aereed Y- 234
Doxey ...... J s
Marsh & Desjardines sher amer
nisi ........................ 235
Moll & Worgan 2 abates..."]
Miller & Hubbard sher :
amer: nisi .............. I _,-
Moyes Ex" & Clarke idem f ' ' ' "
Taylor app. & imp16 ...
Allen sher: amer nisi J
Mitchell & Eason sher amer :
nisi ......................... 236
Marsh Ex" Wm" & Balll
agreed ...............
Chew idem ....... f..... 237
Miller & Browne & Stairs
she: amer: nisi.........
Cooper & Browne app. &
imple ................. 238
Marsh & Howard nisi........... 239
Mann & Barty attach4 Granted... 242
Moore & Milton attachm1........ 243
Millington & Bankes app. &*
imple .................. ..... 245
Moyes Ex" & Griffin agreedj
irfinh-d - ^
Marsh & Earle app. & imple.... 247
Murty & Lynes app. & imp'k..."j
Miller & Currer ha: fa: poss: 1 g
ret ...................... f "
Marchgay & als Helgar agreedj
Moll & Hemsley judgmt. ,-i
Mahugh & Ringold abate/'"" s
Marsh & Vtie agreed............ 252
Moyes Ex" & Jones discount... 255
Mann & Delaroche judgmt....... 269
Miller & Hubard....]
Mayes Exrs & darker-agreed... 269
Taylor ......
Allen app. & imple........ 270
Marsh & Desjardines agreed 1 _--
Howard idem ........ f 27o
Miller & Cooper & Browne cont... 277
Browne & Staires nisi...... 279
Mitchell & Eason nisi .......... 281
Mills James peticon agt Howells
ace* ........................ 294
& Ireland pet. Turpin's
Estate ................ 294
Mountfort & Taylor app &
imple ....................... 298
Wasse idem ............. 300
Marsh & Bayly nisi\
Miller & White nisi/ 301
Murty & Sanders\ . ,„
Allen .... J app- & Imp ' ' 3o4
Moyes Ex" & Jenifer attach4... 306
Millington & Bankes~
Marsh & Burle...... .......... 316
Murty & Lynes.....
Moyes Ex™ & Allen cont........ 323
Miller & Browne & als~
Cooper & al3., ^cont..... 324
Mitchell & Eason......J
Milliam & Oldfield judgmt..... 327
Miller & White.... I
Mountf ord & Wasse r cont........ 328
Taylor .....J
Marsh & Bayly cont............. 331
MUI"ty A&lleSrfUnderS 3}cont 332
Coates app. & imple\
Moll & Tully nisi........ / 334
Murty^ayly2}^4^16- 335
Murty & Cordea r: attachm* nil. 336
Needham sher: to~
bring his body...1 o
Saunders Speciall f 330
Baile .........j
Mann & Barty att. r: & ordr....... 341
Moyes Exrs & Stone nisi ........ 342
Murty & Cordea app. & imple ..... 343
Moyes Exrs & Potters nisi ...... 346
Murty & Russell judgmt vporfl
Sci fa: ................. k. 358
Millington & Bankes idem.....J
Marsh & Burle cont\ ,g
Murty & Lynes cont/' 3tu
Moyes Ex" & Allen Judgmt... 371
Miller & Browne als agreed...... 375
Mitchell & Eason cont.......... 379
Miller & Cooper & als discont.... 379
Moyes Exrs & Burges judgmi... 380
Murty & Baly judgmt Saunders
idem ....................... 384
Mountfort & Wasse nonsuite.... 387
Taillor ditto .......&...... 387
Miller & White \ . . ,o-
Moll & Tully sher ' amer- ' ' ' ' 3B7
Marsh & Bayly cont............. 388
Murty & Saunders 2 judgmts... 392
Murty & Allen agreed........... 394
Murty & Bailly judgmt.......... 398
Moll & Brooke 2 judgmts.......... 400