Hackett and Roe app and Imple . 875
Hedge Warrt Attor............. 860
Hamilton and Garnis Continued. 850
Howard and Howard")
H^eSTnell" ' **- 8*
admr Cornish ....
Hall Exix Hall & VSwearing
Cont ....................... 850
Hornsley Wm Costs allowed.... 892
Howes Wm Costs allowed....... 893
Hagleton and Trueman 1
continued ............ V ..... 894
Hill and Tilghman continj
Hamilton and Garnis abated.... 899
Hall Exx Hall & Vanswearing
agreed ...................... 900
Howel Thomas Pat' Vacated... 170
Ingram agt Stone nonsuite....... n
Jones & Boughton judgmt....... 19
Ingram & Ebden judgmt......... 20
Jones & Jordaine cont........... 32
James & Davis & ux: cont....... 32
Ingram & Bayly cont............ 35
Jacob of Bidiford tryall & Con-
demnacon ................... 35
Jenifer & Stone cont............ 42
Jowles & Tilley agreed ......... 44
Insley & Meekins 2 cont......... 44
Jones & Draper 2 nonsuites ..... 45
James----- 47
Jenifer & Lucas & Moy abate..... 53
Johns & Thackston sher amer
nisi ........................ 62
Jenifer & perry app & impl....... 64
Jenifer & Tant agreed .......... 64
Jowles & Tilley agreed ......... 69
Jordain & Jones app & impl ..... 70
Ingram & Blizard sher amer
nisi ........................ 71
Jordain & Alvey sher amer nisi... 72
Jolly Margarett Deed to her
Children .................... 84
Jones & Jordaine cont .......... 92
Jones & Davis & uxor agreed .... 92
Ingram & Bayly discont ........ 92
Jenifer & Perry cont ........... 95
Jordaine & Jones cont .......... 96
Ingram & Blizard discont........ 96
James & Jones abatem'.......... 98
Jowles & Groome app. & imple..... 102
Jordaine & Tante the same....... 103
Ingram & Derry the same....... 104
Jones & Harper the same........ 104
Jackson & Young sher amer nisi. 104
Insley & meekins 2 nonsuites..... no
Johnson Henry Sworne att..... in
Irrnis Thomas Deed to Carvile.. 119
Insley And: Deed from Hooton... 123
Jones John sworne att .......... 88
Ingram & Blizard judgt......... 134
Jenifer & Stone judg'........... 135
Jones Caldwallader lett revo-
cacon ....................... 152
Jones Caldwallader lett att. to
Leadbeater .................. 153
Mary pet. & order......... 191
Jones agt Jordame\ .
Jordaine agt Jones/contI93
Jowles & groome agreed........ 196
Jenifer & Perrv cont. D Consent... 107
Ingram & Dery discont I ^^
Jones & Harper cont.. f ™
Johnson James sworne under
sher of s* M: Co :............ 215
Jackson & Young app. & cont..... 216
Jordaine & Taunt nonsuite....... 217
Jones & Roswell agreed......... 225
Jones & Cooke abate............. 231
Johnson & Mann app. & imple..... 232
Jones & Rawlins sher amer nisi... 232
Pitt agreed ............. 234
Roe app & imple.......... 236
Edmundson agreed ...... 240
Goffe app & imple ........ 245
Jordaine cont.. \
Jordaine & Jones cont/
Jenifer & Pery referred to Audi-
tors ........................ 251
Jackson & Young discont\ „
Jones & Harper agreed ../"'" 5
Johnson & Mann idem........... 258
Jones Tho: sworne att........... 262
Jones & Rawlins app. & imple ..... 268
Roe Judgm' ............ 277
Ireland & Mills pet. about
Turpins Estate .............. 294
Jackson & pattison judgmt....... 295
Jones & Lynes app. & imple ...... 298
Chew nisi ............... 301
Inglish & Ireland app & imple ..... 308
judgmt ................. 313
Jones & Goffe cont.............. 316
Lynes cont .............. 322
Jordaine... T
Jordaine & Jones/cont ........ 323
Jones & Rawlings J
Chew cont .............. 326
'"Sefds... kpp. & imple.. 334
Jones & Draper
Inglish & Bennett iderrfl
Jones & Jones idem ..../'""" **"
Boughton idem ~
Jones & Stockett
& al« idem........ ....... 340
Jones ft Lewis... "ly
. So±e}id----- ^
Nelson \upon Sci fa:
Pattison/ cont ........ 342
Jowles & Parker cont........... 350
Jones & Goff Judgmt............ 355
Jordaine cont ........... 363
Lynes abates ............ 364
Jordaine & Jones cont........... 368
Jenckins Dep ................. 369
Jones & Rawlings Judgmt....... 370
James & Dale Satisfaction ack..... 371
James & Carleton judgmt........ 372
Jones & Chew abate ............ 387
Jones & Vansweringen cont ..... 395
Inglish & Oldfield 2 Cont........ 399
Jones & Draper cont............ 401
Jones & Jordaine\ , „
Jordaine & Jones/agreed' ' ^08
Jones & vansweringen judgmt..... 436
Inarlish & OldfiplH JnHgmt ......... n^
Inglish & Oldfield Judge......... 443
Inglish & Bennett judgmt.......... 444
James & Stiles adm" cont...... 447
Jones & Jones cont.............. 449
Jones & Lewis Judgt............. 452
Jones & Browne cont............ 455
Jones & ffurnes cont............ 457
Jenifer & Perry cont............ 459
Inglish & Standsby misericordia . 459
Inglish & Stansby Adrs Prince
misericordia ................. 459
James & Pynn misericordia..... 461
Ireland & Wells Adr Turpin
misercordia ................. 461
Inglish Admr Hewitt assigne]
Lord Propry & Ireland re-V.. 463
manded ................. j
Jones & ffolkes app & impl ..... 465
Ireland & Wells Admr Turpin
Judg* ....................... 467
Jones & Boughton Judg*........ 472
Jones & Nelson Judg*........... 472
Jones & Pattison Judg*.......... 473
lues & Alf ord aggreed........... 487
Inglish & Dixon agreed......... 488
Inglish & Stansby Adr Prince
agreed ...................... 488
Jones & ffolkes cont............. 490
Jones & Jones non suite.......... 511
Inglish & Stansby Judg*......... 515
Jones & ffurnis cont............. 517
James & Stiles's Ex" cont....... 517
Jones & Browne cont............ 518
Jenifer & Perry cont............ 518
Ireland & wells Admr Turpine
cont ........................ 520
Jones Adrs & Price Judg*........ 534
Towles & Parker Judg* ......... 545
June Court ................... 549
Tones & ffurnes aggreed.......... 587
Jones & ffolkes Judgt........... 598
James & Stiles Admrs nonsuite... 627
Jones pet....................... 643
Jones & Demondadeer post ...... 646
Tones & Dauis agreed .......... 647
Jones & Clarke & ux app & imp... 648
Jones & Brown agreed.......... 650
Jones & Mason & Thomas app &
impl ........................ 652
Jones pet ..................... 476
Jones & Kent agreed ............ 636
Jenifer & Thompson adr Green
judgmt ..................... 657
Jenifer & Edwards & ux Exx Pott
judgmt ..................... 657
Jowles and Carter possession
deliuered ................... 658
Janes peticofi & Ordr............ 665
Jacob & Johnson Non suite ...... 666
Jenifer & Pott sattisff action ..... 674
Jones & Clarke cont ........... 688
Inglish & ffloyd cont............. 689
Jones & Mason & al judgmt...... 691
Inglish & Stauely agreed......... 695
Jones & Todd app & impl........ 713