Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679. 247
the same
the same
Liber N N
Robert Ridgely
James Derumple
John Bearcroft
Wm Wells
George Abbot
Charles James
Robert Toate
Wm Rosewell
Ken: Cheseldyn
Henry Harris
Samuel Lane
Gosfrights Exrs
George Lingam & Richard Marsham late of Calvert
County Exrs of the last Will & testamt of Charles
Gosfright deceased was Attached to Answer unto
Samuell Lane of a plea of trespas on the case.
p. 901
And whereupon the said Samuell Lane by George Parker his At-
torney complaineth, that whereas the said Charles Gosfright upon
the fourth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God One thou-
sand six hundred Seventy and Eight did languish of sicknes & vio-
lent distemper, & the said Samuell being then a doctor of phisick &
accustomed to practise phisick within the Province of Maryland
In consideracon that the said Samuell att the special instance &
request of him the said Charles would according to the best of his
skill & knowledge Administer to him the said Charles such medicines
& meanes as was proper & fitt for him the said Charles towards the
recovry of his sicknes & violent distemper, the said Charles did
assume upon himselfe & to the said Samuell did faithfully promise,
that he the said Charles for the medicines and meanes as also for his
tyme & paines in Administring & tending upon him for the same
when thereunto required what he the said Samuell should deserve
to him the said Samuell would well & truely content & pay And the
said Samuell in fact saith that he the said Samuell trusting to the
faithfull promise and assumpcon of him the said Charles, did from
the said fourth day of August in the yeare One thousand six hun-
dred Seventy Eight aforesaid att divers dayes and tymes till the
sixth day of Septembr one thousand Six hundred Seventy eight att
the speciall instance & request of him the said Charles, did according
to the best of his skill & knowledge Administer to him the said