244 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber N N
due from John Atkey & Henry Mitchell unto the said Roger he the
said John in his life tyme or the said Margarett Execx of the last
Will & testamt of the said John since his decease unto the said Roger
have not paid, nor the bills or specialtyes in kinde to him the said
Roger returned though often thereunto required, but the nine hun-
dred & thirty pounds of tobacco, & the said six hundred Sixty & six
pounds of tobacco, & likewise the said two thousand six hundred
sixty & five pounds of tobacco to pay hath refused & still doth refuse,
whereupon the said Roger saith he is damnified & hath losse to the
Value of five thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco & thereupon
he brings his suite
And the said Margarett by Robert Carvile her Attorney cometh
& defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty to im-
parle hereunto untill next Provintiall Court & itt is granted unto
her, the same day is giuen to the plaintiffe likewise
Now here att this day to witt the Eighth day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Doni 1679 came the said plaintiffe by his Attorney aforesaid &
offered himselfe against the said Defendt in the plea aforesaid, but
the defendt came not but made default Therefore itt is considered
p. 898
by the Court Here that the said Roger Baker recover against the
said Margarett Gittings Execx as aforesaid as well the Sume of
three thousand Seven hundred ninety & six pounds of tobacco dam-
ages occasioned by the prmisses As also One thousand ninety foure
pounds of tobacco cost of Suite And the Defendt in mercy &c.
John Staynes
Ann Jones
This cause being upon an Appeale from a judge-
ment obtained in Calvert County Court by Ann Jones
against John Staynes the third tuesday in June in the
third yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble
Charles &c the said John Staynes gave Security in the said County
Court to prosecute the said Agpeale in this Court with Effort, And
hath allwayes bin ready by George Parker his Attorney to prosecute
the same accordingly. But the said Ann Jones although severall
Courts solemnly called came not to defend the same, Whereupon itt
is ordered by the Court here this day to witt the Eleventh day of
Octobr In the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dni 1679. that the Recognizance
entred into by the said John Staynes & his Suerties for prosecuteing
the Appeale aforesaid & the judgmt aforesaid be & is hereby quashed
adnulled & made void.
Wm Doning
John Brooke
John Brooke late of Dorchister County otherwise
called John Brooke of Dorchister County in the Prov-
ince of Maryland Gentl was Sumoned to Answer unto
Wm Doning of the City of Bristoll Mrchant of a plea
that he render unto him the full & just Sume of Eighteen thousand