20 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
such promise as the said John above against her hath declared And
of this she putts herselfe upon the Countrey, & the said John like-
wise Whereupon day is given unto both parties untill next Pro-
vinciall Court
Now here att this day to witt the Sixteenth day of October in the
third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Doni 1678 Came the said Jno Edmondson by his Attorney afore-
said, & offered himselfe against the said Mary Tilghman in the
plea aforesaid, but the said Mary came not but made default, There-
fore itt is considered by the Court here that the said John Edmond-
son recover against the said Mary Tilghman as well the surhe of
three Thousand six hundred sixty & one pounds of tobacco damages
occasioned by the prmisses As also fiue hundred ninety two pounds
of tobacco costs of suite And the Defendt in mercy &c
Thomas Bland
Adam Shipley
John Griggs & ux
Exx Richard Keene
James Mills Exr
Samuel Boston
Matthew Davis
These five actions are agreed
Justinian Tennison
Kenelm Cheseldyn
James Mills
Wm Nead & Compa
Edwd Gibbs
p. 694 Tho: Bland
Richd Hill
Richard Hill late of Ann Arundell County gentt was
Attached to Answer unto Thomas Bland one of the
Attorneys of this Court according to the libertyes and
priviledges &c in a plea of trespas upon the case
And whereupon the said Thomas in his proper person complaineth,
that whereas the said Richard the thirteenth day of March One
thousand Six hundred Seventy six in the County Court of Ann
Arundl before the Justices of the same County had recovered against
the said Thomas as well the sume of Eleven hundred pounds of
tobacco & costs of suite As also the Surhe of nine hundred Seventy &
Eight pounds of tobacco with costs of suite being two distinct judge-
ments obtained by the said Richard against the said Thomas before
his Lordpps Justices of Ann Arundell County aforesaid, from both
which judgemts of the said Court the said Thomas Appealed & putt in