att a marked Pussimon & runing North East & by North two hun-
dred twenty one perches to a certaine branch, & from thence to the
second Bound tree being an Oak standing by the river side North
two hundred forty six perches, from thence with a line drawn East
South East three hundred & twenty perches, from thence with a line
drawne South & East foure hundred perches extending over the
Creek called Island Creek to a certaine bounded red Oak standing
neer the side of the said Creek, & from thence with a line drawne
West North West three hundred & twenty perches to the first
bounded tree standing att the mouth of a Creek called Herring
Creek Containing Eight hundred acres more or lesse, which one
John Power of the same County had demised to him the said Hugh
Sherwood for a terme which is not yett past, he the said John Hunt
did enter & him from his ffarme aforesaid did Eject, & other harmes
to him did to the great damage of the said Hugh & against his Lord-
shipps peace &c
And whereupon the said Hugh Sherwood by Robert Carvile his
Attorney saith, that whereas the said John Power upon the twenty
seventh day of March in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six
hundred Seventy Eight, the said John Power in Talbot County
aforesaid did Demise to him the said Hugh Sherwood the said
parcell of land called Macklin borough lying in Talbot County on the
East side of Chessepiake bay & on the East side of a river called
Chester river & butted & bounded as aforesaid To have & to hold the
same to him the said Hugh Sherwood & his assignes from the said
Twenty seventh day of March aforesaid for & dureing & unto the
full end & terme of three yeares from thence next ensueing & fully
to be compleat & ended By vertue of which Demise the said Hugh
into the lands and prmisses aforesaid entred & became possessed
thereof And being so thereof possessed afterwards to witt the first
day of April in the said yeare One thousand six hundred Seventy
eight the said John Hunt into the same prmisses which the said John
Power to him the said Hugh in manner & forme aforesaid had
demised for the terme aforesaid which is not yet past entred, & him
p. 803