Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678/9. 137
James Mills
Henry Johnson
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes
County that whereas Henry Johnson was Attached
to Answer unto James Mills, wherefore he the said
Henry the fourteenth day of ffebruary Anno Doni
Liber N N
p. 799
One thousand six hundred Seventy seven with swords & staves the
close of him the said James att his plantacon att Gouldsmiths Rest
in Baltemore County did break, & one Brigantine of the proper
Goods & Chattells of him the said James of the Value of twelve
thousand pounds of tobacco he tooke & carryed away, & the same
from him as yet doth detaine, & other harmes to him did to the great
damage of the said James & against the peace of the Lord Propry In
such manner in this Court itt is proceeded in, that the aforesaid
James Mills ought to recover against the said Henry Johnson his
damages by reason of the trespas aforesaid But because itt is not
known what damage the said James Mills hath sustained by occasion
of the prmisses Itt was therefore comanded the same Sheriffe that
he cause to come here to witt the twelfth day of March in the fourth
yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni
1678 twelve good & lawfull men of his County to enquire diligently
what damages the aforesaid James Mills hath sustained by occasion
of the trespas aforesaid
Afterwards to witt the fourteenth day of March in the yeare
aforesaid cometh as well the said James Mills by Robert Carvile
his Attorney As the said Henry Johnson by Robert Ridgely his
Attorney And the jurors impanneld being called like wise come to
witt John Addison, Emanuell Ratcliffe, Thomas Potter, John Wat-
son, Charles Hea, Joseph Edloe, Henry Alexander, Wm Vaughan,
Thomas Courtney Henry Smith, Thomas Keyting & Philip Pocock
who being elected tryed & sworne to say the truth in the prmisses
upon their Oaths doe say that the said James Mills hath sustained
damages by occasion of the prmisses to Eight thousand pounds of
tobacco Therefore itt is considered by the Court here that the said
James Mills recover against the said Henry Johnson as well the
aforesaid Suine of Eight thousand pounds of tobacco damages by the
jurors aforesaid in forme aforesaid assessed As also three thousand
Eight hundred .81. pounds of tobacco costs of suite And the
Defendt in mercy &c
John Noble
Richard Burket
Nehemiah Blakiston
Wm Hailes
Richard Higginbotham
Wm Layton
These four actions are agreed