Liber N N
whereupon he prayes judgemt if the said Nehemiah ought to have
his said action against him &c. And the said Nehemiah saith, that
he of his action aforesaid against the said Edward ought not to be
barred, because he saith that he the said Edward Husbands did
falsely & malitiously cause the said Nehemiah for the pretended
cause aforesaid to be Indicted & prosecuted in the said Provintiall
Court of this Province untill he was by due course of Law thereof
acquitted according as in the said declaracon as by the said plain-
tiffe sett forth And this he prayeth may be inquired of by the
Countrey And the defendt also Therefore itt was comanded the
Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he cause to come here twelve &c
by whom &c and who neither &c to recognize &c because as well &c
Att which said thirteenth day of March in the yeare aforesaid com-
eth as well the said Nehemiah Blakiston as the said Edward Hus-
bands by their Attorneys aforesaid And the jurors impannelled being
called likewise come, to witt, John Addison, Emanuell Ratcliffe,
Tho: Potter, John Watson, Charles Hea, Joseph Edloe, Wm
Vaughan, Thomas Courtney, Henry Smith, Christopher Benbridge,
John Portwood & Thomas Keyting who being Elected tryed &
Sworne to say the truth in the prmisse upon their Oaths doe say
that the said Edward Husbands did falsely & malitiously cause the
said Nehemiah for the pretended cause aforesaid to be indicted &
prosecuted in the said Provintiall Court of this Province untill he
was by due course of Law thereof acquitted according as in the said
declaracon is by the said plaintiffe sett forth And they assesse the
damage of the said plaintiffe to ffive thousand pounds of tobacco
Therefore itt is considered that the said Nehemiah Blakiston recover
against the said Edward Husbands the said Sume of Five thousand
pounds of tobacco damages by the jurors aforesaid in forme afore-
said And also two thousand one hundred ninety two pounds of to-
bacco costs of suite And the Defendt in mercy &c