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Index. 489 (Morrice, Maurice), Robert, New England, Importation of White, 50, 258, 307; see also 305; see also Table of goods from, 334 Pipe staves. Cases. New Town, St. Mary's County, Oath, To an account, 86, 87, 122, Moseley (Moadesly), James of 393. 123, 124, 269. Dorchester County, 167, New York, Sending of goods to, To having no effects in hand, 356-358; see also Table of 183. 456. Cases. Newton, John; see Table of Of jurors, Denial of taking Moth damage, Price allowance Cases, of, 246. for, 35. Tho:; see Table of Cases. That notice had been given, Mother as guardian of heirs, Nichols, Capt. Wm., (mer- 153-153. 115. chant) ; see Table of Cases. To signature of witness, 107. ‘Mount Pleasant,” Calvert Nicklis; see Nichols. Ogle, John; see Table of Cases. County, 131, 235, 449, 450, Nihil dicit, 454. Oil (what kind?), Price of, 178. 451, 452. No cause of action, Finding of, Oldfeild, George, of Calvert and Mountfort (Mountford), by jury, 75. Cecil Counties, 89; see also Thomas; see Table of Non est inventus; see Not Table of Cases. Cases. found. Warrant for the arrest of, Moy, Elizabeth, deceased, extrx. Non pros., Judgment upon, 419. 252. Richard Moy, dec'd, 15, 52, Non sum informatus, 454. Petronella ( ) Carr 58, 88, 94-95; see also Moy's Nonresident, 228. [, Mrs. George], extrx.; Exrrs. Nonsuit, xxi, 29, 36, 94, 107, see Table of Cases; Carr, Richard, dec'd, 15, 52, 58, 88, 191, 192, 200, 201, 205, 206, John, deceased. 94-95, 241; see also Moy's 211, 228, 261, 280, 281, 299, Oliver, Capt. Thomas, 18; see Exrs. 325, 33.4, 335, 372, 405, 436, also Table of Cases. Moy's Exrs.; see Table of Orchard, Wm.; see Table of Cases; Carew, Henry, For delayed declaration, 144. Cases. exr.; Carvile, Robert, exr.; For failing to be ready, Order, Surreptitious obtaining Hill, Clement, exr. For failing to give special of, 232, 233; see also Judg Muff et, Wm.; see Table of bail, 266. ment. Cases. Reversal of, 108. Ordinary, Keeping of, in house Murphy, James, of Talbot Norman, Edward, deceased, 231, of County justice, 421. County; see Table of Cases. 232. License to keep, 139. Murty, Stephen, inn keeper, 31, Rosamond, 231, 232. [Oronoco] Arenoco tobacco, 10, 70, 74, 174, 175; see also Norris, Tho:, manservant, 234. 18, 19, 20, 21, 116, 164, 166, Table of Cases. Norton, Tobias, 423. 168. Stephen, admr., 42; see also Not found, Return of, by the Osnabrig (cloth), Value of, 34, Table of Cases; Bailey, sheriff, 44, 45, 51, 52, 107, 35. Jno., dec'd. 220, 224, 225, 226, 238, 253, Overseer, Cruelty of, to servant, 260, 261 280, 437, 438; see 25. Nails, Value of, 33, 34; see also also Defendant, Absconding Overton, , de Rose nails, of. ceased, 250, 254; see also Nanticokes, Emperor of, 248. Return of, Fee for, 228. Gunnell, Mrs. George, ad Naseworthy [, George], 233. Notary and tabellion public, 445. mrx. “Naseworthys Choice,” Somer- Notches on a boundary tree, set County, xxi, 233, 368, 452. Paca; see Peca. 370, 371, 372. Note, Acceptance of, by drawee, Pack, Edward, of Calvert Nash, Richard, of Cecil County; see Table of Cases.7, 447-448. County, 308. For the payment of rent, 346. Page, Nick; see Table of Cases. Pagett, Elizabeth, [Mrs. Thom- “Natives Arococo,” Somerset County, 91. Nothing in bar or avoidance, 5, as], extrx., Death of, 205; Natural daughter (by birth, not 10, 11, 12, 17, 21, 23, 30, 32, see also Table of Cases. by adoption), 382. 59, 64, 84, 86, ç6, 99, 109, Thomas, deceased, 54, 58; see Ne exeat provinciam, Fee for 112, 116, 127, 133, 145, 188, also Pagett, Elizabeth, ex serving, 228. 196, 197, 203, 204, 217, 222, trx. Neale, Anthony; see Table of 237, 254, 258-259, 282, 286, Paine, Jane, dec'd., 13; see also Cases. 300, 311, 339, 355, 363, Spink, Thomas, admr. James; see Table of Cases. 392, 393, 397, 399, 400, 407, Matthew London mariner; Robert; see Table of Cases. 409, 410. see Table of Cases. Neave, Robert, of Kent County; Notice, Oath to giving of, 152 Painter, John, 370, 372. see Table of Cases. 153. Nicholas, clerk of the Pro Nedham, Robt.; see Table of Notley, Thomas, Governor and vincial Court and keeper of Cases; Needham. Chief Justice, xi, 1, 5, 9, 47, the lesser seal, register & Needham (Nedham), Robert, 90, 96-97, 142, 152, 311, 335, examiner in chancery, xii, of Charles County; see 440, 441, 446; see also Table xiii, 143, 239, 311, 419. Table of Cases. of Cases. Painting of rooms of dwelling Nelson, Mathew, of Somerset Nutt, John; see Table of Cases. house, 161, County: see Table of Cases. Paler [Palm?], Jno.; see Table Mathew, & Compa.; see Table 0 Neale, Hugh, 31. of Cases. of Cases. Oak, Red, 308. Palm; see Paler. |
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