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Index. 487 Kings Creek, Somerset County; [Lawrence, ifrances ( ) Linen, striped, Value of, 35. see Trading Branch. Hide, Mrs. Henry; see Liquors, Account for, 355; see Kirby, Jno., seaman, 36. Table of Cases; Hide, also Goods, wares and mer Kitchen, as part of a messuage, ffrances. chandizes. 4.42. Lawrence, Henry; see Table of Little Choptank River, 170, 17!, Knighton, Thomas, xvii, xviii, Cases. 172, 195. 318, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, Lawsuit, Suggestion of, to peti- Lloyd, Phil [emon], 36. 348, 349. tioners, 247. Loyd, Richard, 248, 256, 302; Tobacco house of, Herring Layton, William, of Somerset see also Table of Cases. Creek, xvii, 344. County; see Table of Cases. Lockier, George; see Table of Knott, Win., mariner; see Table Leach. Edward, 36. Cases. of Cases. Leadbeater, Samuel; see Table Lomax, Thomas, of St. Mary's of Cases. County, 219, 220; see also Ladd, Richard, of Calvert Lease, entry and ejectment, Con- Table of Cases. County, 88, 89, 316; see also fession of, 101, 114, 115, Long, Sami.; see Table of Cases. Table of Cases. 231, 233, 303, 304, 306, 307, Thomas, sheriff of Baltimore [Rosamond ( ) 308, 359, 360, 369, 425, 449, County, xiv; see also Table Horsley, Mrs. Richard,] 450; see also Ejectment, of Cases. extrx.; see T able of Cases; Action in. Thor, attorney [in law or in Horsely, Joseph, dec'd. Leavens, Richard, 36. fact?] 285. Laight, Edward; see Table of Legg, Thor; see Table of Cases. Longbayne, Christopher, mer Cases. Leich, John, of Calvert County, chant (English?), 169. Lance, Walter; see Table of marksman, 243, 244. Longden, John; see Table of Cases. Lesser seal; see Province, Cases. Land, Agreement to sell, 68. Lesser seal of. Longworth; see Langworth. Certificate and plat for, xxi, Letchworth, Elizabeth ( ), Loton, Jacob (Jacobus), 362, 102, 103, 130-131, 232, 235- Mrs. Thomas, xxi, 422, 423, 382, 384; see also Table of 236, 369, 370, 371, 451. 424. Cases. Courses of, 103, 104, 307-308, Joseph, xxii, 422. Lowe, Col. Vincent, sheriff of 368, 370, 372. Thomas, deceased, xxi-xxii, Talbot County, 47, 57, 104, Forcible entry upon, 420. 422. 135, 226, 254, 255, 303, 421; Patent for, delivery of, 68. Letter, Forwarding of, to the see also Table of Cases. Surreptitious obtaining Governor, 146. Vincent, attorney, xiv, 195. of, 246. Letter of attorney, 77; see also Lubberstone, Abraham, Master Patent of confirmation for, Warrant of attorney. (of merchant vessel), 183. 134. Payment for, by the attorney, Lucas, ffrances; see Table of Purchase of, Non-fulfillment 527. Cases. of bargain, 69. Revocation of, 43. Lucombe, Commander (i.e.. Refusal to pay .for, 263. Letters testamentary, Granting Captain) John, 175, Resurvey of, 97, 102-104, 130- of, 30, 176, 216, 258, 266, Luellin; see Lewellin. 131, 232, 235, 246, 369, 370, 267. Luffe, Stephen, Bristol mer 371, 372, 451. Production of, in court, 4, 28, chant; see Table of Cases. Cost of, 418. 81, 84, 92, 94, 109, 154, 173, Luke, Egidius; see Table of Survey, Setting aside of, for 177, 189, 198, 201, 237, 272, Cases. fraud, 371. 291, 292, 301, 302, 321, 322, Lynch, John [St. Mary's Coun Warranty of, Obligation to 362, 373, 375, 398; see also ty] merchant; see Table of make, 140, 163. Administration, Letter of. Cases. Lane, Major Samuel, Justice of Levy of goods, Illegality of, Lynes, Philip, 155, 166, 171, 172, Anne Arundel County, 342, 348. 181, 182, 191, 321, 382, 383, 346. Lewellin (Luellin), John, of 413, 415, 416; see also Table Thomas, London merchant, Charles County; see Table of Cases. 334. of Cases. Death of, 84. Lang, James; see Table of Lewen, Geo.; see Table of Cases. Cases. Macall [Mackall?], Geo., de Languidus, Return of, by the Lewis, James, of St. Mi- ceased, 208, 420; see also sheriff, 45, 130, 539. chael's Hundred, St. Mary's Graham, Ann, Mrs. Robt., Langworth (Longworth), Wm., County; see Table of Cases. extrx. of St. Mary's County, 219, Patrick, deceased, 272; see Machen, Jno.; see Table of 220. also Murty, Stephen, admr. Cases. Large, Robert; see Table of Liberties & privileges &c.; see Mackerel, Price of, 178. Cases. Provincial Court, Liberties Macklenaham, Jno.; see Table Larkin, Jno., Anne Arundel & privileges of. of Cases. County innholder; see Ta- Liberty of speaking; see Im- Macragh, Owen, marksman, 370. ble of Cases. parlance. Maddox, Samuel, 63. Lashley Robert see Table of Liddiard, John, of London, 445. Magna Carta, Violation of, 353. Cases. Lime juice, Price of, 412. Male, Anthony, of Talbot Laurence Benja.; see Table of Limitations, Statute of; see County; see Table of Cases. Cases. Statute of limitations. Malt, Price of, 153. |
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