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Index. 479 Writ of error to, from Pro- Col. Samuel, xvii, xviii, 22, Clocker, Daniel, 405. vincial Court, 350-351. 345, 346, 348, 349. Clowter, Richard; see Table of Sheriff of, 52, 252, 443; see Chicken, Edwa.; see Table of Cases. also Sibrey, Capt. Jona- Cases. Coates, John; see Table of than; James, Charles. Chilman (Chillman), Richard, Cases. Amercing of, 207, 211. of St. Mary's City; see Cobreath, John, 322, 362, 382, Scire facias against, 430. Table of Cases. 384, 413, 415, 416. Suit on the bond of, 16-18; Chimneys, Building of, 160-161. Cock-e, John, Cecil County see also Carr, John, dec'd. Chirurgeon: planter; see Table of Cases. Sub-sheriff of, 72, 305; see Brooke, John, of Dorchester John, admr. see Table of also Pynn, Edward. County. Cases; Barnes, ffrancis, Cepi, Return of, by sheriff, 52, Desjardine, John dec'd. 56, 57, 130, 135, 139, 183, Hilton, Robert Codore; see Cowdear. 204, 208, 229, 230, 430, 436. Howell, Charles “Coichister,” Kent County, 270Chamber pots, Replevin of, 234. Peerce, John Cole, Henry; see Table of Cases. Smith, Henry of Manokin, Richard, deceased, 97; see also Chambers, Richard, xxi, 130, Somerset County Beech, Elias, admr. 232, 369, 370, 372, 373, Stansby, John Robert; see Table of Cases. Wynne, John Coleborne, Col. William, 146; Chancery, Cases in, 140, 286. Chirurgeon, Suit of, for fees &c., see also Table of Cases. Register and examiner in, 85, 87. Collector of tobacco, Rate of 239; see also Painter, Nich- Citation, Fee for serving, 228, pay foolas. 414. Collett, Richard, deceased, 24; see also Rousby, [Eliza Chandler, Thomas, deceased, 25; Clarke, Abraham, 322, 362, 382, beth, Mrs. Christopher], see also Russell, Wm., admr. 384, 413, 415, 416. Wm., sheriff of Charles Abr., & ux.; see ‘Table of extrx. County, xiv, xv, 47, 441. Cases. Collier (Collyer), if rancis, 238, Chapman, Robert, see Table of Daniel, sheriff of Dorchester 249. Cases. County, 1674, 288; see also Collins, James; see Table of Thomas, of Liverpool, mer- Table of Cases. Cases. chant see Table of Cases. Robert; see Table of Cases. Collyer, Robert, 104; see also Charles County, Sheriff of, 47, Tho:; see Table of Cases. Collier. 51, 56, 57, 126, 139, 229, Claw, Sarah; see Younger, Colour; see Paint. 253, 287, 431, 441, 444; see Sarah ( ) Claw, Combes, Elizabeth ( ), also Chandler, Wm.; Rozer, Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. William, 102, 104. Benjamin. William, deceased, 89. Wm., of Talbot County, 102, Amercing of, xv, 208, 213, Claw hammers, Value of, 33. 103, 104, 105, 226, 419 see 214, 274, 276, 436. Clay, Henry, marksman, 104. also Table of Cases. Charlesworth, George, deceased, Clayland; see Cleyland. “[Combs] Coomes Purchase,” 48; see also Jones, Morgan, Clearance of ship, Delay of, 26. Charles County, 358, 359. ____________ Commander, Use of title, in admr. Clegatt, Mary ( Cheseldyn, Kenelm, attorney, 3, Hooper, Mrs. Thomas 1 15. stead of captain, 175. 4, 5, 8, 14, 19, 20, 23, 30, Thomas, of Calvert County, Commission, Delay in issuing, 42, 45, 47, 53, 58, 64, 4, 115, 234; see also Table 65, 146. 70, 82. 87, 101. 102. 108. of Cases. Complainant, 140; see also 109, 125, 135, 145, 152, 156, Clegget; see clegatt. Plaintiff 163, 173, 175, 180, 181, 189, Clement; see Clements. Complaint, Filin194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 205, Clements, Jno., of Talbot County, Compton, Edward, of Calvert County, 25. 207, 209, 211, 216, 220, 223, deceased, 13, 14,; see also 224, 229, 238, 250, 254, 255, Clements, Mary, extrx. Condemnation of goods & chat 263, 266, 268, 269, 271, 280, Mary, extrx., see Table of tels upon attachment, 53, 281, 289, 293, 295, 296, 298, Cases; Clements, Jno., de- 442, 444. 300, 302, 317, 321, 330, 331, ceased. Of tobacco upon a scire facias, 337, 338, 340, 341, 359, 360, Cleyland, James; see Table of 384, 387, 388, 389, 395, 396, Cases. Condemnation unheard, Viola 397, 398, 405, 409, 412, 431, The Clifts, Calvert County, In- tion of Magna Carta, 353. 433, 435, 438, 443, 455. surrection at, 96 97 Conery, Edward, deceased, 62, Discharge of, from actions Clipsham, [Susannah Cage], 89, 218; see also Archives, and all demands, 88; see Mrs. Thomas' see Table of LXV, LXVI; Haly, Mary, also Table of Cases. Cases; Clipsham, Thos., & extrx. Kenelm, att'y general, xiii, 12, ux. extrx.; Cage, John, de- Connary Bird (ship), 175. 16, 98, 202, 229, 230, 285. ceased. Connaway, James; see Table of Kenelm, admr.; see Table of Tho:; see Table of Cases. Cases. Cases; Jones, John, dec'd. Thomas, admr.' see Table of Connery; see Conery. [Mrs. Kenelm], Your good Cases; Gregory, Charles de- Consent of the parties, 1. lady, 62. ceased. Consideration, Absence of, 88; Chew, Joseph, of Cecil County, Tho:, & ux., see Table of from declaration, 70. 44; see also Table of Cases. Cases. Already received, 379. |
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