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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 462   View pdf image (33K)
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          462                 Table of Cases.
             v. Wm. Orchard & Geo. Lewen, 13, 79, Covell, Richard, v. Edward Gunnell, 255.
           253, 428.                   v. Randall Revell, 210, 278, 428.
             at:. George Lewen, 431.    Cowdear, John, v. Mary Roe, admr. Ed: Roe,
          Cleyland (Clayland), James, v. Richard Parnes,        38, 128, 419-420.
              xvi, 64, 206.         Cox, Henry, ats. Roger Baker, 242-244; see also
          Clipsham, Tho: v. Wm. Lee, 214, 279, 431.        Archives, LXVI, 486.
          Clipsham, Tho:, & us., extrx. John Cage, at:.     Cozens, John, admr. John Ramsey, v. John Dod-
              Robert Carvile, 151.      son, 6.
          Clipsham, Thomas, admr. Charles Gregory, at:.     Creycroft, John, V. Jno. Burditt, 26, 101-105.
              Joshua Doyne, 48, 202, 289-290.        v. John Slye, 26, 109.
          Clowter, Richard, v. Robert Doyne, 37, 119.     at:. Jno. Quigley, 14, 8o, 156,
          Coates, John, at:. Stephen Murty, 40, 138, 148.   Crosman, Robert, v. Henry Adams, exr. [Geo :]
          Cock, John, at:. Mary Clements, 37, 112-113.     Manwaring, 253-254.
          Cock, John, admr. ffrancis Barnes, v. Charles     Crosse, Wm., v. Samuel Hatton, admr. George
              James, 38, 129            Soley, 422.
          Cocke, John, at:. Mary Clements, extrx. Jno.    v. Wm. Hemsley, 433.
              Clements, 14, 81-82.     at:. the Proprietary, 229.
          Cocke, Samuell, v. Robert Graham & [Ann Crosse, Wm., & Radford, Bruen, Lang, James,
              Graham] ux., extrx. Geo: Macall, 253,        at:. the Proprietary, 279.
              337-338.              Crundall, Thomas, v. John Jordaine, 42.
          Cole, Henry, at:. Peter Archer, 250, 337.       v. Jno. Jordaine & Wm. Rosewell, 33.
          Cole, Robert, v. Wm. Medley, 150.  Cullen, Thomas, at:. John Griggs & Mary his
          Coleborne, Wm., v. ffrancis Gunby, 39, 133.      wife, extrx. Richard Keene, 52-53.
             v. George Gunnell & Randall Revell, 49.   [Cuningham, Bridget (Pott), us., Cuningham,
             v. John Tyler, 43.          Danl., &, v. Richd. Edwards, & us. [Han
             v. John Waghob, 230; see a/so Archives,       nab (Pott) Edwards], xv, 449-450.
              LXVI, 158, 319, 407-408.  Cuningham, Daniel, & us. [Bridget (Pott)
             ats. Mark Cordea, 45, 139.     Cunningham], v. Richd. Edwards &
             at:. ffrancis Gunby, 3.         [Hannah (Pott) Edwards], xv, 449-452.
             at:. Robt. Williams,   Cunningham's Executors, v. Tho: Keyting, 209,
          Collins, James, v. John Barnes, 436.         277, 396-397.
          [Combes, Eliz.,] usr., Combes, Win., Roe,       v. Thomas Wynne, 397-398; see also Ryder,
              Mary, &, at:. John Rousby & uxr., 23!;       Henry.
              see also Creycroft, John, v. John Burdit,
              supra, 101-105.       Dade, Tho:, v. George ifulford, 280.
          Combes, Wm., v. George Robins, 43, 133. Darby, John, ats. Thomas ifrances, 39, 129, 147.
          Combes, Wm., & usr., & Mary Roe, at:. John      at:. John Pawson & Co., 209, 277, 430.
              Rousby & uxr., 23!; see also Creycroft,  Dare, Win., v. Lewis Blangy & uxr., admx.
              John, v. John Burdit, supra, 101-105.         Disb. Bennet, 209, 277, 428.
          Connaway, James, v. Ralph Sedgwick, 27, 110,    v. Jno. Brooke, admr. Win. Worgan, 41,
               179.                      130, 179, 258.
          Coode, John, v. Tho: Oliver, 438.     V. Richard Ladd & us. [Rosamond (—)
             at:. Edwa Husbands, 251, 360-361.         Horsley Ladd], extrx. Joseph Horsley,
             at:. Jno: Tennison, 433.       434
          Coode, John, & Lomax, Tho:, at:. the Pro-       at:. Richard Bayly, 24, 84.
               prietary, 261.          ats. George Robins, 210, 250, 426.
                                       at:. Richard White, 42, 133.
          Cooke, Andrew, v. Edward Cooke, 50, 148.     Dare, Wm., admr. Jno. Parker, v. Humphrey
          Cooke, Edward, v. Wm. Rosewell, 33.          Jones, 28-29, 436; see also Archives,
             at:. Andrew Cooke, 50, 148.          LXVI.
          Cooke, Tho:, at:. Michael Basey, 436.      v. Richard Royston, 436; see also Archives,
          Cooper, Jno., v. Michael Miller, 22, 84.          LXVI.
          Cooper, Jno., & Browne, Edwd., at:. Michael     at:. Richard Bayly, 24, 84.
               Miller, 26, 106.     Darnall, Henry, v. Henry Mitchell & al., 418.
          Cordea, Mark, v. Win. Coleborne, 45, 139.    Darnall, John, v. Jarvis Ballard, 237-238, 249,
             v. John Harris, 38, 43, 129.         456.
             v. ifrances Lucas, 212, 229230, 275, 394-395.     v. Elizabeth Pagett, extrx. Thomas Pagett,
             v. Peter Mills, 209, 277, 393-394.        58, 205.
             v. Stephen Murty, 209, 252, 430.     Darwell, John, admr. Wm. Ratcliif, v. John
             v. Garret Vansweringen, 212, 275, 392393.      Stone, 57, 200-201.
             at:. Stephen Murty, admr. Jno. BaIley, 53,     Davis, Matt;, v. Justinian Tennison, 250, 339-
               220-221: see also Archives, LXV, 442-        340, 433.

               444.                    at:. Justinian Tennison, 342.
             at:. William Pyper, 5. Davis, Oliver, v. Daniel Hamond, 1, 65, 145-146.
          Cosden, Thomas, v. Peter Burges, 49.       v. Jno. Wynn, 150.
             v George Oldfeild. 11-12.  Davis, Tho: at:. Edward Tones. 426.
             at:. John Avery, 53.   De Ring, Mathias, v. Henry Johnson & uxr.,
          Coursey, Henry, Esq., v. Peter Sayer, 39, 131-         extrx Nathaniel Vtie, 14, 8o, 156, 253-254.
               133.                 Deery, see Derry.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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