Volume 67, Page 373 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/8. 373 said Tho: Jones the sume of Eight hundred thirty six pds of tobacco Liber N N And also that the said Richard Chambers recover agt the said Tho: Jones the sume of Eight hundred thirty six pds of tob for their costs & charges by them about their defence in this behalfe laid out & expended And the said Thomas Jones in mercy for his false claime Stocket & Stavely Robert Neave late of Kent County planter other- p. 603 Admrs Styles wise called Robert Neave of Kent County was agt Sumoned to Answer unto James Stavely & Henry Robert NeaveStocket Admrs of all & singuler the Goods Chat- tells rights & Creditts which were of Nathaniel Stiles deceased of a plea that he render unto them the full & just quantity of three thousand one hundred & Eighteen pounds of large & bright tobacco which from them he unjustly detaineth And whereupon the said James & Henry by Robert Ridgely their Attorney say, that whereas the said Robert Neave the twelfth day of March One thousand six hundred seventy foure by his certaine write ing obligatory sealed with the seale of him the said Robert & here in Court produced whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid, did acknowl edge himselfe to owe & stand indebted unto the said Nathaniel Styles his heyres Exrs Admrs or assignes the full & just quantity of three thousand one hundred & eighteen pounds of large & bright tobacco with cask to containe the same, to the which payment well & truely to be made the said Robert did binde himselfe his heyres Exrs & Admrs firmly by those prsents Notwithstanding which the aforesaid Robert Neave the said sume of three thousand one hundred & eight eene pds of tobacco to him the said Nathl in his life tyme, nor to the said James & Henry since his death to whom Admcon of all & singuler the Goods Chattells rights & creditts which were of the said Nathaniel in his life tyme since his death hath bin comitted according to the tenor of the said writeing obligatory although often thereto re quired hath not paid, but the same to pay hath denyed & yet doth deny in retardacon of the Admcon of the Estate of the said Nathaniel Whereupon the said James & Henry say they are damnified & have losse to the Value of foure thousand pds of tobacco & thereupon they bring their suite And the aforesaid James & Henry bring into Court here the Letters of Admeon to them granted of the Estate of the said Nathaniel whereby itt may appeare to the Court here that they thereof have the Admcon And the aforesaid Robert by Christopher Rousby his Attorney cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and the said Robert prayeth the hearing of the writeing obligatory aforesaid & itt is read unto him, he also prayeth the hearing of the Condicon of the same writeing & itt is read unto him in these words vizt The condicon of this Obligacon is such, that if the above bound Robert Neave doe pay or cause well & truely to be paid to Nathaniel Stiles his |
Volume 67, Page 373 View pdf image (33K) |
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