Volume 67, Page 35 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677. 35 £ s d LiberNN 5 Kersey Sutes of N°. 3 one of which “0003=05=00 moatheaten at 13s p suite 18 One baile Cont 6 ps canvas being all 4843/4 Ells at 12d p Elle 5 ps Canvas in all 480 1/4 Ells at 12d p Elle} “0048=05=00 19 One Baile Cont 4 One Baile Cont 15 ps of browne Ozenbriggs in all 1003 3/4 yds 5 r baile cont . “0076= 16= 11 15 peeces of ditto in all 1045 1/2 yds 5 ps of Crocus for wrappers at 14s pps.... “0003=10=00 11 One baile cont 30 Ps white Ozenbriggs “0041=12=04 1109 3/4 yds at 9d 3 ps of dowlas being 155 1/4 Ells at 17d “0010=19=11 p Elle 1 ps of Crocus at 14s “0000=14=00 2 ps of striped linnen qt 86 yds at 13d p yd.. “0004=13=02 50 One baile Cont moatheaten wch is in the price allowed .. “0035 =00=00 10 ps of cloth serge whereof 4 ps is part for being at 3 £ 10s P ps 32 One Baile Cont 10 Ps broadcloath being) all 201 3/4 yds 25 yds of wch is moth- L eaten wch is deducted so remaines .. “0052 = 16 =00 yds at 6s p yd 33 One baile Cont 10 ps of coarse cloth in all 211 yds 31 yds of wch is moth- eaten & deducted so remaine i8o Ydsj “0036=00=00 at 4s p yd 30 One Baile Cont 30 Ps of Hallifax being 931 1/2 yds of which is motheaten 13 .. “0062=02=00 yds at 16d p yd 56 yds of dampnified cloth in the 20 ps “ooo4=o4=oO abovenamed at 18d p yd One great Chest Cont 45 Hallifax wast . coats at 4$ 4d 20 sutes of Cloth serge No. 5. at 30s p sute.. “0030=00=00 66 of Single Serge N°. 3 at 22s p sute “0072 12=00 50 of other serge N°. 6 at 18s p sute “0045 =00=00 30 sutes of broad cloth N° 4 at 26s p sute.. “0039=00=00 paid by discompt for the Seamen asi p a note under the Masters hand. .“0054=14=06 |
Volume 67, Page 35 View pdf image (33K) |
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